Hi Ladies,
I had BA 3 years ago with the Cosmetic Clinic I have received been suffering from a lot of pain I have been diagnosed with Capsule Contraction on my left breast my old clinic was happy to fix my implant free of charge until a month later I found out that the clinic has liquidated! Really annoyed as a paid an extra £600 maybe more (cant remember now) for lifetime after care! which has now gone with the company.
So now I am researching 3 different companies to resolve my CC and get new implants at the same time.
MYA has come back with the largest price at nearly £5750. Harley medical are just under £5000. Transform has come back with a price in-between. I don’t know who’s aftercare is better. Aftercare is all I care about as I have CC and its likely to come back.
Has anyone had CC and received aftercare with MYA?
Has anybody got any advice for who I should go with?
I would be willing to pay the most for the best its just annoying how different each companies pricing is for the same product.
Thank you
Amy Perkins