Hi I’m a size 12, 27yo, 5’5 with 32f boobs that have sagged from weight loss and kids. Ive had three different opinions from three surgeons now and I’m so confused. One said uplift with 400cc implants under, one said either reduction and uplift or 150cc with uplift over muscle, one said 400-450 over uplift. WTH. I just want a rounded, firm, lifted shape. I’ve lost fullness at the top from breastfeeding, so that’s where implants have come into it. But I’m so worried that adding 400cc to Boobs that are already an F are going to be rediculous and make me look overweight in clothes (I’m imaging dawn french boobs!). Some surgeons say under the muscle is better for upper fullness, others saying the opposite and that they need to be over. But implant will give me that round permenant shape under clothes, when lying down etc. Any one have an opinion on any of this for me please? Or anyone who had naturally bigger boobs who’s had an uplift with or without implants?