Nausea Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    Had my op yesterday and pain isn’t too bad but I’m feeling pretty sick! Could be the antibiotics? It’s awful! Hate feeling sick xx

    Izzy -1

    I was so physically sick for 3 days after my op. Called the nurse and she said I just had to ride it out. It’s your body reacting to all the medication it has in it, especially anesthetic. Just sip lots of water, rest and only eat things you really fancy that aren’t too rich. Hope you feel better xx


    Bless you Amy! I had mine yesterday too – i think the painkillers are making me feel sick – After the op i was profusely sweating whenever i had to move and feeling like I was going to vomit!! And for some reason I was under for 2 hours xx


    Oh god, 3 days, luckily I haven’t actually been such yet just nausea!! Thanks girls, made me feel better it’s normal! I hate feeling sick, it’s the worst, feel like I’m pregnant all over again!ha! How are you feeling es? I’m sore today! Just when I move, it’s my incisions mainly, don’t know ifym bra is too tight on them! Can’t believe you were under for 2 hours, how come? I was in and out in under an hour! Felt great the day of op but worse since! How are you today? Can I add you Hun?xx


    I had mine Tuesday too and didn’t feel sick at all until last night after my dinner! It was a horrible feeling under the middle of mu strapping! But I was in bed and took deep breaths and had ginger beer. Worked so well! Have that it freshly made carrot ginger and apple juice if you can! Lots of ginger, because it stops you feeling sick! I always drink lots of water and think that’s why maybe I a et felt too sick because I’m washing it out my system! You can do it girlies! But I do swear by ginger! So give it a go 😀 xxxx


    Ah thanks il try that! I drink a hell of a lot of water too so maybe I’m doing the same! How is your pain? What sports bra are you wearing? I just can’t seem to get comfy in any of mine! On my incisions xx


    Yeah give it a go honestly! I’ve used it for years with hangovers too! HAAH! That’s what it’s normally used for! HA It’s not so bad, I swear my bum hurts more! How’s your pain and how’s it going? But I haven’t had great sleeps really! Wake up every hour or so but I’ve had a bit more of a sleep this morning! A nice lay in HA. I’ve got strapping on hun so not wearing a sports bra at the moment! But I bought a shock absorber one and and black and pink zip up front one at MandS and neither have too much lining where the scars will be on the inside! What bras have you got? Are you using ice packs too? Love using them xx


    Thanks, I feel loads better today, no sickiness so far! My pain is ok, it’s just literally my left incision that seems to be hurting, which I think is the bra I had on digging in! I had one if the m&s zip up front ones on at first, but sure it was too tight, felt great on my boobs but round my ribs it killed, going to save it for when swelling goes down a bit! Ive got high impact m&s fasten at the back one on now. I’ve done really well with sleeping, not woke up at all in the night and managed to stay upright, got a stiff neck though and numb bum too!ha! Not using ice packs, I’ve just moved house and waiting for a new freezer, aghh, resorted to stuffing a bag of mozzarella down my top last night! Ha, the cold feels so good! When are you back at work?xx


    Hi Ladies!
    I have the M&S one too!! But was told not to wear it until next week!! :S
    I am still feeling sick when I eat and drink but I think its because Im constipated and my belly is shouting im full up!! Defo going to try the ginger though! 🙂 Dont know why I was asleep so long but just glad its all over and now can recover 🙂 Xx


    Hey, I’ve got my m&s zip up front one back on today and it feels great now! Actually better than the other one I changed too! I’ve got a slight twinge in my left incisions every time I move and it seems to have gone now with this bra on so maybe just needed supporting more!
    Oh god, I am the same Es, my stomach is totally bloated and I still haven’t been to the toilet since Tuesday, taken so many things to help bit hasn’t worked yet! I honestly look 6 months pregnant!ha! My sickness has gone now though, has yours? Hoe are you doing with the pain? Did you have unders or overs?xx


    My sickness came to a peak yesterday when I vomited up my dinner just before bedtime – had to hold my boobies down as it was incredibly painful!

    Stopped taking the co codamol and i’m only taking ibuprofen and paracetamol and feel so much better, Bellys going down and can pass wind but no number 2 just yet LOL! I have unders 🙂 xx

    Nikki 1

    co- codamol is vile for some people, im hit or miss if I eat as im taking it I seem to be ok but If I dont keep ontop of eating little but often it makes me really ill if you can bear not to use it dont use it xxx

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