nearly 2 weeks post op… Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie

    Okay so in nearly 2 weeks post op will be 2 weeks on Monday. Was wondering can i start using bio oil yet or a moisturiser i haven’t been using anything on them yet. Can j now or when can i start using some creams on them?


    Hi ya..I asked the nurse this on Friday and she said to me not to use any products on my boobs or near incisions for 6 I not sure..x


    Ah okay that’s fine then i won’t use anything. I have been using shower gel? Surley that would be okay wouldn’t it?


    she said to me that I could shower but not to put any shower gel or products directly onto the incisions but not to worry bout getting soap on them just don’t rub it in or around that area and to make sure that you pat the incision area dry without disturbing it too much…I had my first shower last night ..omg how hard was that…ok till I tried to wash my hair lol I have really long hair so took ages to shampoo and rinse as still not able to lift my arms up totally..feel better for it though..x


    Haha yeah im getting a little better now but still takes longer than usual. Your boobs also feel so heavy as well don’t they!!! That’s the worst part i don’t like takig my sports bra off

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