Nearly 5 months after ba, hate them! Revision? Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 3

    Hi girls,
    So it’s been nearly 5 months after my ba.
    Before i was a 32/34a my left was bigger then my right ,
    Surgeon said 50cc difference so I had 350 in my right 300 in left.

    However now I feel the difference is more noticeable! My right looks bigger and the crease in my left is higher which makes it look worse!
    Do you think Mya would help with this?
    I know we sign to agree on size, but you put trust in your surgeon, and I tried the sizes on which the 50cc difference looked good and evened them out.

    If mya wont help, does anyone know how much roughly it would cost to try and fix this?
    Thanks ladies!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Kim 3.
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    Took me a minute to see what you meant … I would think agreement of size or not you being unhappy Mya would discuss with you & look to make you happy.

    Have you called to make an appointment & chat with someone?

    Georgie R 17

    Mine are exactly the same after my BA tbh, but I was told that because I had aysmmetry before the op I may still have it slightly after so I’ve just accepted it

    Kim 3

    I emailed mya, and going in to have pictures taken and do a review, then seeing the surgeon to see what he thinks ????.
    I didn’t get told that as I had asymmetry before that I may have it after, to be honest my asymmetry before wasn’t that bad, not really noticeable, But now I feel like it’s really noticeable and probably feel more conscious now then what I did before my ba x

    Stacey 498

    Hi hun it looks to me like it hasn’t dropped fully yet making the bigger one seem bigger if hat makes sense that could be the reason it still looks bigger although asymmetry is a hard one to deal with I had a one bigge befor my op and I stil labe one bigger one my sugoen put same size implants in both of mine tho as he said putting different size implants in can some times make the problem worse not better xxx

    Kayla 3

    Hi did you get this sorted Kim? I think I may have the same. X

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