Necessities for op day. Started by: Diane

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  • Diane 14

    Hi girls.

    Im wanting to get organised for my op which is im around 7 weeks. Can anyone reccomend a list of things needed for Op Day?

    I have a V Pillow already on order and need to get support bras -ehich are best?

    And list of what you packed would be great 🙂

    Vicky*★. 231

    Hey lovely x my op is in 13 days so I’ve been asking the same thing x apparently the hospital provide you with a robe I’ve heard a few people say? I’ve been told to get pyjamas with a zip up front / button up front because you will have trouble lifting your arms for a few days. Bring a phone charger and magazines to hospital incase your waiting a while. Also stock up on pain relief for afterwards! Have you seen the mya post surgery bra’s? They’re lovely! Ask your pc for them. £59 or something it is for 2 of them. You must be so excited! What size are you getting ? Mine is just under 2 weeks I’m counting down the days! Xxxxxx

    Diane 14

    Im looking at 350/375cc overs.

    Excited but nervous 🙂 ill ask my PC about support bras 🙂
    Can you reccomend anything else wich may be needed or what the best over the counter pain relief is?

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