Need Advise….. Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 1


    So I went for my consultation today and have booked a slot for the 30th June depending on my surgeon appointment on Friday.

    The only thing with this date that I have realised today is that I will be away at Silverstone for F1 for the weekend and would be leavening to go 3 days after my op, can anyone let me know how they were feeling around this time and what they could cope with I won’t be doing a deal of walking but I don’t want to feel ruff.

    The next date I can have is July 18th but I would be cutting it extremely fine for recovery before my wedding if I went with this date.

    aprile 1

    Hi! My god by day 3 i didnt want to leave my bed. I was more ill off the meds though rather than pain.. I was so sick. But everyone is different. There are girls who are just fine and up and about! I would rather possibly miss f1 tho than risk not feeling good on my wedding day.! X


    I was fine the day after mine and have been fine ever since but you just never know everyone is different and everyone’s body reacts different, I also only had sedation xx


    Nikki for me day 3/4 were my worst…. So sore and heavy. But everyone is different. Xx

    Diane 1

    I’m on day 4 now and to be honest the last thing I’d want to do is be anywhere other than at home. Although the pain isn’t too bad I’m occasionally getting stinging pains in my right boob, I’m exhausted so keep napping and not really getting on with the meds too well. I have had an uplift as well so not sure if this makes a big difference, but I’d seriously consider missing the FA and being well for your wedding instead. Like the others have said though everyone is different so it’s really hard to say how you’ll be feeling xx

    Diane 1



    I was fine the next day after mine, was doing everything as normal except for lifting or carrying heavy things. All depends I suppose x

    Nicole 1

    The problem is you don’t know how it will affect you til it happens but day 3 and 4 are notoriously the worst!


    For me it was either day two or three that were the worst, it was more the reaction to the co-codamol and antibiotics than pain but I was sick and had a really bad tummy. It wasnt really easy being up and about either as i was kind of hunched because of the skin being tight… I’d say try and leave doing anything for at least a week xx

    kimbo 1

    i took my grandson and family to the yorkshire wildlife park and walked all day

    Nikki 1

    Thanks for the advise guys and I guess it is all down to own personal experience, I’m still going ahead with my op and still plan to go to F1 but there’s nothing saying I have to be there all day even if I just went for an hour or two or maybe just on the Sunday for the actual Grand Prix there will be a way round it.

    I’ve had operations before and never had a bad time after them or had issues with pain killers so hoping this will stand in my favour but I certainly won’t try and over do it and go with what my body is telling me xxx

    aprile 1

    Fingers crossed for you ! 🙂 big year for you! New boobs. New hubby’ ha. If you’ve been ok on meds before keep positive’! Im the worlds biggest soft arse and will hold my hands up to it .. :s xxxxx

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