Need help!! Over year post op.. can anyone relate????? Started by: aprile

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  • aprile 1

    Hi!! Iv not been on here in ages!! Still try a get used to this new format! Hope everyone is well!!

    I’m over a year post op and I don’t think my boobs have dropped properly. If anything they look like they have bottomed out slightly. I have an appointment in 2 weeks to go back n see Dr traynor , I want more of a crease. I might be wrong but if I pull the skin up they sit perfect, hides my scars (as they’re on show right now!! ) I’d have a crease and the rippling wouldn’t be as visible. But I don’t want to waste my time going there on my only day off to be fobbed off. Has anyone had anything similar and does anyone know costs incurred etc?

    Thought I was done with all the questions and worrying grrr!! Xxxxx

    aprile 1

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    Fionajsd 131

    I would book back in with your surgeon Hun they look ok to me but I’m not a surgeon x

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