I has my BA nearly 4 weeks ago now after have a few complications and getting a hematoma I had a reop on Monday night on just my right breast. They flushed it out and put in a new implant! However this morning and this could be normal I’m probably worrying! I woke up with a bit of oozy type blood on my sheets I had changed the dressings and cleaned it up abit, but baring in mind I have had a lot of blood come from my breast before my op from my blood clotting I’m really worried again! I didn’t see my incisions before as I had strapping and this time round I haven’t is it normal for incisions to bleed and ooz out considering I’m 5 days post re op? The panic of getting another hematoma is horrible and I am genuinely scared because it wasn’t a pleasant experience at all. If anyone has had something similar or could give me some reassurance and advice I would really appreciate it?