Need some "what to expect, what to ask advice" Started by: Emma-Louise

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    So I have my surgery date booked in, 26th April 2017, T minus 7 weeks and counting , I couldn’t be more happy as this is something I’ve wanted and waited and saved for, for many, many years. However I’ve been reading some other forums and I’m getting a little nervous to meet my surgeon on the 23rd of this month?! Can you girls help me out on what I should be asking, and also what recovery time is like as I have 2 children and work to consider!

    Thank you! X x x

    Olivia 30

    I had my surgery yesterday. When you meet your surgeon you will find that he/she will more or less answer any questions in the information they give you, I didn’t have any questions because my surgeon covered everything. I’m only day 1 post op but so far my recovery isn’t as bad as I thought, it’s painful and uncomfortable but I was expecting a lot worse. It’s copeable with the pain killers. I don’t have children though, I would deffinately advise you to make sure there is someone there with you all the time with the children until you feel able enough to take over completely because even the simplest things are difficult like turning the tap on and flushing the toilet etc… xxx

    Lisa Louise 79


    What surgeon do you have Hun? I had mr Traynor, he was very quick with my appointment & told me everything I need to know & very confident in what he was saying, every surgeon is different! Maybe write a little list of the things you’d like to ask because I had loads but once I was in there my mind went totally blank even though he pretty much covered everything for me. I’ve got my BA in 4 days so can’t really help with recovery until it’s done x


    Thanks girls, I have mr Traynor to!! I asked for someone who’s blunt and straight to the point as that’s what I prefer to know everything un-suger coated so to speak lol so thank you for the advice yous to I’ll defiantly make a list and also I hope you have a speedy recovery Olivia x x x

    Woo I’m so
    Excited ha ha x

    Jessica 105

    Are you seeing him in Newcastle? I’m booked for that day aswell x

    Lisa Louise 79

    Your welcome lovely!

    He’s definitely straight to the point, I think a lot of people were put off by this including myself until I met him in person but he’s lovely & jokes sometimes. You get to meet him on my birthday haha x


    Yes I’m seeing him in Newcastle on the 23rd! Woo go us! Exciting times! Xx


    Woo I’ll have to remember to say happy birthday! Haha and aw I like people that are abit blunt because otherwise it makes me more nervous believe or not… crazy I know!! Haha xxx

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