Needing advice! Started by: Freya Hewitt

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    Hey, I’m currently a 32B/small C, size 8/10 and 5”5. I’ve always been self conscious of my boobs and have been thinking of getting an enlargement for quite a while now and becoming a serious option! I’d ideally like to go to a DD or E maximum (don’t currently understand the “cc” sizes). Was wondering if any girls with similar stats have gone the same size and have any advice/photos they could share?

    Also been researching having the implants under or over the muscle? And does it matter if you have implants before or after children? I’m only 20 so children are definitely in the future but not for a few years.

    Thanks in advance😘

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Freya Hewitt 2.
    Kaz Wilks 41

    Hey and welcome 😊 re: the children bit, I read some advice on here and thought it made sense… if you’re planning kids in the next couple of years, maybe hang fire as your boobs will change with kids. But If you’re not planning on kids for at say 3+ years then go for it now and enjoy your new boobs for a few years!!

    Heidi 217

    I had mine done at 19, im now 22 and plan on having children in the next few years, im super glad i did it when i did while you can afford it (as you may feel guilty spendinb that amount on your boobs when you’ve got the expense of kids) and i know know multiple women who’ve had children with implants and they still looks great and perky

    Amber 11


    I was a 34B, size 8 and 5 ft 1. I had 325cc over the muscle and I am now a 34D xx

    Jaye 16

    Hi! I am having my boobs done in feb and I have a 5 month old baby.. I told the surgeon I plan on having another in maybe 3/4 years. He said it is up to me and that there is a chance my boobs might change but he also said if you aren’t planning in the next year or two then they wouldn’t advise against it!! I want to enjoy the next 4 years with good boobs rather than put it off any longer!! Xx

    Jasmin 17

    Hey lovely, the best thing to do would be to go for a consultation as once the surgeon has taken all your chest measurements, he/she will take into consideration your stats such as height etc… to recommend the perfect size for you to achieve the size and goal your after…. I had in my head from researching that I’d need a 400-500cc implant to get me to a DD/E from a 36b. At my consultation I was offered 650cc… I’m 3 weeks post op and measuring 34E x x


    Thank you girls, definitely think I’m gonna have to look at booking a consultation🤩

    One last question, how much did your surgery cost? I know it’ll vary from sizes etc but just wanted to know roughly what I’m looking at. Want to look at paying monthly if any of you did that😬 xx

    Nikki louise -138

    Hi I didn’t go with mya but I am going to for rhinoplasty I paid 4200 with Manchester private but I think they look really low now im looking at everyone else’s pics and I really liked them at first I had 400cc under muscle extra high profile im 23 and I’m 5ft 4 9/10 stone 32b now I don’t no what I am yet but I don’t no if I like them

    Dolly123 2

    A couple of my friends have had children and their boob job still look great…. I was also thinking the same thing as you but I’ve just had mine done (15 dpo) and I want to have children in 2 years.

    The thing to think about is how you feel about breastfeeding after and whether that’s a factor for you

    also that for the first week and a half I literally couldn’t do anything the first 4 days I couldn’t even lift myself out of bed or go to the toilet so if you have children you would have to arrange like 2 weeks of care.

    I would say do your research and pick a reputable surgeon I had a complicated chest wall so mine cost 8000euros with a specialist in Spain.

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