Nerves! Started by: Holly

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  • Holly 1

    I am a 32A and I’ve been considering a breast enlargement for a while now but I am so nervous at the thought of the procedure, I can’t think of much else at the moment which makes me realise how much I want this, just need some words of reassurance

    Aimee 7

    Honestly I cannot exaggerate enough how much happier and confident I feel. I’m 3 weeks post op and I’m so glad with the decision I made, and I’d say if it is something you’ve thought about for a long time then go for it! I wish I had done it sooner. The thought of surgery was a daunting feeling and the aftermath but the surgery was only an hour and I’d never ever been put to sleep before, and you seriously don’t even know you’ve been put to sleep. I remember waking up just thinking I had a nap. The pain afterwards wasn’t great but it was bearable as they give you pain relief to take home. Everyone recovers at different rates, but within a week I was driving again, able to shower, dress myself independently and then back to work within 2 weeks of my op. Hope this helps 🙂

    Holly 1

    Thank you for your response!! That is very helpful 😌 x

    Helena 4

    Hi lovely! I was the same for so many years I put it off because I was so scared of the whole process especially being put to sleep! I honestly can’t explain to you how much I wish I did it sooner, the putting to sleep isn’t bad at all it feels like a little sharp sting and then within seconds you feel sleepy and you wake up after what feels like a 10 minute nap! I’ve had no pain since the op (I put it down to having overs as it’s a less invasive procedure) just slight discomfort where the incisions are, but I’m healing fast and by day 3 I was able to do all housework again! Good luck and you will be fine! ❤️

    Holly 1

    Hi Helena, thank you for your response! I’ve definitely made my mind up! It’s so nice to hear about peoples experiences ♥️ Thanks for sharing x

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