Nerves kicking in Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Im having a BA on monday at first trust hospital in Preston and im soooo nervous! Preying that i get the result i have always wanted.


    Good luck xx

    ducky01 4

    I’m sure you will, you’ll be in great hands 🙂 xx

    Nicki 1

    You’ll be fine Hun. Try not to be nervous, these r Exciting times!! I’m sure you’ll be chuffed with ur results. Mr Mounir will make u feel at ease n give u the best results possible I’m sure 🙂 xx


    Good luck!! This time next week you’ll be pain free(ish) but with lovely new boobies!! It’s the best feeling ever 🙂 xx


    Thanks girlies! Cant wait for it to be over and done with lol. Does it take a few months to be happy with the results or will i ve happy straight away? Nicki, how are you feeling? You up on your feet or in pain? 🙂 i cant wait to have boobs! Lol just thinking of the day that scares me lol xxx

    Nicki 1

    I’m feeling fine thanks Hun. I’m up n about.. In fact Ive just made my own dinner lol! My first time out of the house tomorrow.. We’re going food shopping! So yeah I just feels abit tight n sore around the sides n below my boobs but other than that I’m fine..
    It’s an exciting thought isnt it?! Was getting a bit ahead of myself yest n looking at bikins on river island website! Think of all th things t look forward to!!
    THE day goes so quick! On our way home me n my partner were saying what a nice day we’d had lol! Honestly ul b thinking why did i worry so much about it Xx

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