Nervous about Hubby going bk to work Started by: jadey89

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  • jadey89 2

    I had my BA nearly 3weeks ago.My hubby goes back to work tomorrow and I’m so nervous!
    We have a 3 year old and a 7month old, and I’m still really worried about lifting my 7month old(he is a chunky monkey), and going back to doing everything on my own lol.
    I know that I’ll have to be ok and get on with it as he has to go back to work some day lol.
    Has anyone else been ok lifting their babies early on?

    Vickie 5

    Hi Hun I’m 3 weeks today and I’ve been lifting my 10 month old chunky monkey for about a week now. So u should be fine, just take it easy. I found putting her on my knee and going down stairs on my bum safer at first!!. Xx

    jadey89 2

    Thank you! u saying that has made me feel better! Perhaps I’m just worrying too much, think it’s coz I’ve been told to avoid it till 6wks po, but that’s impossible hubby needs to go back to work lol.

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