Nervous about size!!!! Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 30

    Literally for the past 2 days I am panicking whether the size I’ve chosen is big enough 🙁 I’m having 350cc done on Wednesday and I’m really starting to worry that this won’t be as big as I’d like. I’m hoping to be a d-dd when they are done. I keep seeing people post saying they have boob greed, I just hope they look big as this is what I’m hoping for, not stupidly big just big enough if that makes sense lol. Has anyone else felt like this before surgery? Or even had the same size and they look big now? I’m 5ft 2, size 6 and currently an empty 32a xx


    Hi I’m having my opp this Tuesday having either 350 or 380 uhp I’m 5’4 and 7stone 8 this was the biggest that I could go good luck for Wednesday 🙂 xx

    Jessica 42

    I’m having 350s on Monday from an empty C and hoping to achieve a DD. Xx

    Tracy 30

    I got offered different sizes up to 325cc but then said I want to be a d maybe bigger so that’s when Dr traynor said that we could do 350cc but couldn’t fit any bigger than that in as I’m quite small and petite. Thanks @claire good luck for yours too I bet your excited. Only one more day @jessica where you having it done girls? Xx


    @traceylou23 I’m more nervous than excited to be honest got my admission time today so that made it all seem real x

    Tracy 30

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    Same I got mine on Thursday. Surprised how early they sent it. As soon as I read the email it all sink in that’s it’s really happening. I think I’m more excited than nervous. Just really panicking about size as I’ve seen girls on here and their breasts look really nice but they have had much bigger cc than what I’m having, just wondering if it depends on your frame? @claire xx

    Jessica 42

    I got my admission time on Thursday and thought when that came through it would finally seem real but it’s still not really sunk in. I’m going to Preston for mine with Mr Mounir xx

    Tracy 30

    Same I’m at Preston too but with Dr traynor @jessica I’m sure it will sink in when your actually there. Good luck hunni xx


    @tracylou23 try not to go by other people’s result both my sisters have had it done similar stats one had 275 and achieved an E cup my other sis had 400 and is a DD so everyone’s different I’m sure I will love them x

    Tracy 30

    Oh really? @claire that’s good to know then. I think it’s just all nerves at the moment and not knowing what to expect! Can’t wait though. Good luck with yours hunni xx

    Jessica 42

    Thank you Tracy, I’ll probably go into panic mode as soon as I walk through the door! Good luck for Wednesday xxx

    rachel 3

    I’m the same about the size. I’m the same size as toy pre op. But apparently Dr traynor is amazing and pretty spot on with sizing (what I’ve been told) I’m going with 450 to achieve a dd but I’m scared I’ve picked too big! Good luck with your op! @tracy X

    Tracy 30

    Thanks hunni. @rachel How tall are you if you don’t mind me asking. I’m sure it goes off that weight and back size. Through what I’ve read everyone is different. I’ve seen so many different size implants but the actual breasts look the same so I’m guessing it goes off your profile. I hope so anyway because I don’t want to be too small because I will regret it and just want them bigger x

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