Nervous ain't the word girls!!!!!! Started by: Lizzy

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  • Lizzy

    Hi ladies, I am having my ba tomorrow. Got to be at Highgate for 12. I have had a really emotional day today, nerves have definitely kicked in big time. I keep going to the loo, I can’t stop crying, I feel like an emotional wreck. I couldn’t sleep last night as my brain was on overtime. I said to my hubby “I can’t do it, I can’t do it”, he keeps saying u are, u will be fine. But why don’t I feel fine. Did any1 else feel like this? X x

    Mel -4

    The week before mine i was sooo nervous, it was all i could think about!! But i tell you now the op is the easiest part of the whole process, its the recovery after thats hard. I actually enjoyed my day at highgate everyone is so nice & really look after you so try & relax & think about waking up with your new boobies 🙂

    Laura -1

    It really isn’t as bad as your expecting it to be I can assure you of that….The best thing to do is think of the outcome which is brand new BOOBIES! All will be fine and it will go like a dream so much so you’ll wonder why you worked yourself up so much….Lol You’ll be fine Hun xx

    anna 1

    Good luck Lizzy….just focus on the outcome, what u have wanted for so long and what a difference its going to make to your life…..its amazing how happy u will feel 🙂 xx


    Hun you feel so overwhelmed
    because getting an op is a huge decision.
    Trust me though once you wake up and see your new boobies
    you will be pleased you did it 🙂
    I was the same with my lipo. My admission time was 12 aswell
    and my op was scheduled for 3:30 but due to them running over with the time
    I didn’t go down until 4:50. By that point I was so nervous and was saying to my
    mum that I cant do it, I want to go home. However once I met my anaesthetist I completely relaxed!
    He was so funny and nice. Also have the numbing cream on the back of your hand if you are worried about
    the needle as I had it and didn’t feel it go in at all :). Took a few breaths of the mask and thought why isn’t this working?
    ha ha then next thing I was awake being wheeled back to my room!
    Honestly hunni enjoy your day it goes so quick.
    I found it that easy that am saving up for my boobs now! haha
    Good luck 🙂


    Thanks ladies…I have calmed down a lot tonite….just know the nerves are gonna be even worse in the morning x x


    ooh good luck im nervous aswell hun, You will be fine just try and relax and think of how amzing you will look xx


    Thanks jade…good luck to u to, just got to keep telling myself its gonna b worth it x x


    Good luck, your be fine. It all happens so quickly on the day and the nurses at highgate are


    Good luck Lizzie xx

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