NERVOUS OP ON 9TH JUNE! Started by: Charlotte

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  • Janelle 61

    I dont feel like they are very big tho, they look
    Like they are going to be about a D or DD cup ?
    Id of loved 500cc or 550cc so that i would of been at least an
    E or F cup but oh well i can always go bigger in a year or 2
    If i really want xx


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    anyone have the discount code for macom?

    Lauren 13

    Had my strapping off earlier, wow what a difference – was so worried i would be disappointed but I am in love already! I am covered in quite bad grazes/cuts and pressure marks from the strapping and have s few bruises and one is slightly higher than the other as the left is still pretty swollen but so happy to have my strapping off! Will upload before and after pics after ibe for all the stickiness off and the cuts have faded a little x

    Janelle 61

    @lozjf123 iv added you!
    Im excited to see your pics lauren ?
    How have you felt this past week?
    Iv had no pain only an irritating muscle pain on inside of my right boob as that muscle is tighter due to me been right handed ?

    Lauren 13

    hi @janelle sorry for the late reply! the first week i suffered a lot.. my antibiotics made me quite sick and i had bad pain.. expsescially in my left breast.. it got quite unbearable haha…. however day 6 i’d say it was easing up abit and day 7 i got my strapping off and now i just have normal pain in that breast… i think a lot of it was down to how i was awkwardly strapped up tbh! and i will be uploading a few pics today xx

    Janelle 61

    Im 9days po now, hoping the start to soften and fluff abit now ??
    This is my 8day po pics

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