Nervoussssss!!! Started by: Laura

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  • Laura

    Heeeeyyyy ladies my op is next sat 21st dec and it can’t come quick enough!! I’m sooo nervous keep thinking about it all the time I’m worried once I get into hospital I will be that sick with nerves!!! Any tips on how to calm the hell down! Haha xxxx


    Hey Laura good luck you’ll be fine. I just keep talking to my partner about random stuff lol. Watched telly and any time I got nervous I just thought of the massive bangers I’ll have in under an hour lol x


    Yeeeee that’s true I just want it over now I can’t wait my brain go’s mental thinking about it all the time!!!


    MYA keeps only posting half my msgs!! My dad is taking me and he’s a right corker so hopefully will make me laugh all day !! Just want it done now and big babilons on my chest! Are yours over? They look good xx


    Hey @Laura ..Where is your Op? Mine is on the 21st too and I’m so nervous I keep trying to talk myself out of it…
    The amount of conversations I have had with myself today is scary xx


    Hey hun it’s the 21st at Preston is yours there too? You got your admission time yet? Haha I nearly start you tube it then think NOOOOOO coz it would well put me off! It’s the general I’m worried about once I’m knocked out they can do whatever! What size you going and over or under? Xx


    Ahhhhh nooo! I hoped you would be at Highgate the same as me! It looks like I’m the only one there at the minute on that day (Well on here anyway)
    Babes they will have to knock me out to give me the GA – I’m petrified, I mean petrified – I already grilled Mr Singh in my consultation about his experience and what he would do if this, that, this, that … Poor man!

    I thought about doing this last night – Then thought NOoOoOOooo!

    I’m a B at the minute (Which my babies kindly gave me, All be them crap) I was literally an AAAA before –
    I’m having (Hang on let me remember)

    Soft touch,Naturelle, 445 or 470, Extra High Profile, Overs … I don’t even know what this meaaaaans!
    I couldn’t take it all in, I’ve decided all of this and booked within 3 days! xxx


    Ohhh nooo i was hoping we would be together too, who taking you? What worries you the most about it all? I think we just need to think of how often this procedure is carried out people can get a boob job in there dinner hour now a days! Are you a day case or overnight? It will be fine just think this time in 8 days we will have boooobs!!! Just think of the end result! Ye mine was quick to iv got dr monuir I first enquiried 3 weeks ago my sister had hers done and waited 6 months I would be going mentally insane waiting that long!!!!I’m a B also at the minute but a small B and I’m going for 380 or 410cc cui implants and under the muscle! Xxxx


    My friend is taking me so my husband can stay at home with the kids.
    The thing that worries me most is I wont wake up from the GA ….*Hand covers face* I’m literally so scared about it they will have to forceably give it me i think …
    That’s the thing i’m so worried about ive not had chance to be worried about anything else!
    I’m day case ( I hope as Im a 2 hour drive away, So be driving there in the morning and my friend driving me back) Its her I feel sorry for too having to wait around with me probably dribbling all day.

    Ive actually waited about 5 years haha as thats when I really wanted them done, Even went for a consultation about 3 years ago but put myself off xxx


    Ohhhhh babe your gonna wake up I’m a dental nurse and we do sedation and general is reversible so they could bring you out of it easily plus you’ll be wired up to a machine which checks your heart rate and that, you tell me one person you know that hasn’t woke up from a general? Ohhh my god as if you did! Have you paid this time?! Don’t back out again just get it done and you’ll be soooo happy! How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’m 25 next and should of had this ageeeeeees ago xxx


    Will PM you xx


    Hi Laura mine are 470 unders x


    Awww great Sarah thank you that’s just confirmed to me I’m definitly going under yours are exactly how I want mine they look amazing!! Xx


    Thanks Laura I love them and I’m sure you’ll love yours too. It’s so weird having boobs. X


    I hope so!! This time next week arrrghhhhh goodbye bee stings

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