New boob poem i found Started by: cassieanne

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    It must have been tough to be teased by your peers
    As you were doomed to a life in training brazziers
    Flapjacks and “AA” the usual taunts
    But soon you’ll have perfect jugs you can flaunt

    As you have decided to go under the knife
    Think what a difference it’ll make to your life
    After the surgery when you wake up
    Instead of 2 saucers you’ll see a DD Cup

    As you are snuggled in your private room
    Your head will be swimming with thoughts of bazooms
    You’ll throw out the small bras with a great cheer
    For hope of the bigger ones soon to appear

    Boobs, breasts or hooters you’ll have 2 of the best
    But be warned it is painful if you’re thumped in the chest
    It’ll be hard not to laugh when you see your new swellers
    Bouncing about as you ride on your fella

    You can try your new bra that you bought in the town
    You’ll hardly believe it when you finally look down
    And see for the first time your cleavage will meet
    But don’t be alarmed if you can’t see your feet

    Finally with boobs when you lay down at night
    If you find they have vanished you may get a fright
    Don’t panic if you can’t see your dream pair of tits
    They haven’t gone far, they’re in your armpits.

    candybabey 3

    I think the last bit shouldn’t been in poem but haha wer you get this from x


    On net browsing other Ba sites

    candybabey 3

    Cool how’s you healing going darl x


    Oh my goodness thats funny! Thanks for sharing huni. xxx


    Ha ha, love it! Xx

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