New boobies – biggest gym motivation! Started by: Karolina

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  • Karolina 42

    I have always been a gym person and played sports since i was 10 but after I got my new boobies my motivation to train is bigger than EVER 🙂 Hope it wont be only for me….good luck ladies xxx

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    You look amazing hun! I’m only 2 days post op and I can’t wait to be able to train again. How are finding it, how quick after you had them done you started going to the gym? Is there anything you feel you can’t do? Sorry for all the questions xxx

    Zahava 13

    They look soooo fabulous! How are you feeling now? Completely back to normal yet? Xx

    Karolina 42

    @kikij87 Thank you hun. I had a very easy and quick recovery. Went to the gym on week four and did leg and bum sessions (relatively light weights) still doing it and I`m on the week 6. Still giving more time to my upper body….just to be sure. Happy healing hun xxx

    Thank you hun. I feel completely back to normal, How are you doing? xxx


    I hope my recovery goes well so I’m back on it soon! Well done you though, you look absolutely fab xxx

    anne marie 8

    they look fabby chick!! i am back to the gym tomorrow, its been ages, and i have my wedding in june!! so really need to get a wriggle on and tone up and lose about a stone !!


    I also weight train babes and I can imagine having lovely boobs gives you more of a push at the gym to achieve a nice body to match the boobs. I can wait to get my op in march and then back in the gym. But for someone who trains 3-4 times a week I’m gonna feel it not being able to train for a good few weeks and over a month before I can lift heavy weights :-/ your boobs look amazing x

    Karolina 42

    Thank you for all you compliments ladies:) it means a lot. @annemarie2014 awwww weeding coming you will look amazing in your weeding dress and gym feels great after such a break. Ho are you anyway?

    time flies you op will be in here in no time and staying away from the gym was the hardest part since I work at one 🙁 its amazing to be back. Best of luck xxx

    Amy 265

    Hi karolina I love that pink bra where’s it from?
    Never have I ever been to a gym but really interested in trying to tone up what’s best thing to do for trim thighs and nice bum want it really firm but not too Kim kardashian x

    anne marie 8

    @karolona i am good thanks hunny, i dont have my appointment until 7 weeks, and going dress fitting the monday before, so i am going to get measured and wear a bra for the fitting, I cant wait to get a proper bra, i feel like they want to break out of the macom and sports bras i have at the moment. Feeling loads better, the blisters have healed now, still got marks from where they were, hopefully in time they will disappear xx

    Karolina 42

    @amy03 Hi Amy, Hope you are well hun and recovery was an easy one. The bra is from TKmaxx New Balance I bought 3 in different colours. To tone the legs (tights especially) and work your bum out I would highly recommend squats, hip trusts , Romanian dead-lifts etc we should organize some boobies – gym session 🙂 could help out more xxx

    Summa2011 10

    Hi karolina I’ve just friend requested you. I hope this is ok. I was just looking at your stats and we are pretty much the same body size and shape! I am just training to become a fitness instructor but I train every day at the moment and I’m a marathon runner too. Your pictures look amazing! Can I just ask (if you don’t mind?) what bra size you’ve gone to since your op and do you feel comfortable training, do they restrict you in any way? Xx

    LadyBear 5

    Hey, Karolina! You look incredible! I was just wondering, have you had any difficulty fitting into your pre op clothes? And have you tried running yet? If so, have you noticed having more difficulty considering the extra weight on your chest? I am just trying to figure out what to expect. What type of implant did you go with? You look absolutely fabulous. Xx

    Karolina 42

    Thank you ladies. So far I have been working out only my lower body since I just passed my 6 weeks. Some of my tops don’t fit like shirts etc which are not stretchy. Running haven’t done it yet but with good supporting bra it won’t be an issue. If I feel heavier on my chest…..not really and actually my posture seems to be better I guess I’m just trying to show off my two s haha 🙂 I added u ladies so if any questions just msg. Good luck to you and enjoy the journey. It’s amazing xxx

    Summa2011 10

    Thank you so much karolina really appreciate the advice. Will probably send you a little message once I’ve seen the surgeon x


    Karolina you look awesome, really pleased you’ve had a good result. 🙂

    Ladies I’m a runner and almost 7 weeks post op. I’ve started doing easy slow runs now and running for up to half an hour on the treadmill. I ran for an hour last saturday but took it v slow and chose a flat route so no pounding down steep hills.
    I found that after a while my boobs ached at the sides which I think was from moving my arms so putting a bit of pressure on the chest muscles.
    I wear a shock absorber ultimate run bra and then an M&S sports bra over that, the ladies don’t move at all.

    I’m back at the gym too and have found I can do things like the plank comfortably but lifting heavy weights still feels like it’s pulling too much. Am sticking to lots of squats, leg weights etc and doing as much core work as I’m comfortable with.

    Happy healing everyone! xx


    @karolina Thanks babes, I’ve moved it forward I’m now booked for the operation on valentines day so only 26 days to go lol I’m just currently searching for good support bras!!! Any suggestions???

    Karolina 42

    @dannii1984 your op is so soon then 🙂 I’m sure u r exited. My best sports bras I got in Tkmaxx they have many different to choose from for a bargain price xxx

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