New girl! Awaiting 1st consultation MEGA WORRIER! Started by: Heidi

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  • Heidi

    Hi guys, I’ve recently organised my first consultation at the Birmingham clinic. Seeking as much reassurance and info As poss on the following topics, If any of you lovelies can help and advise me!
    Cost- is there a set cost for the procedure as I read somewhere it was 5000?
    Are all consultations free?

    Breast- I have a large fatty cyst like lump in my left breast which I have had since I began puberty. Doctors seem to think that it is begnin and no detriment to my health, just a bit worried what the surgeons may suggest or think, had anyone had or heard of this before enlargement?
    Time from work after procedure/ I work as mental health care supervisor in a clinical setting and was wondering what the recommended time from work was, as I need to get booking my time from work, also have any of you ladies used recovery time as holiday hours or authorised absence?
    Pain-I’m so scared so please tell me if you wish how you found the whole experience pain wise!

    Thank you soooo much in advance ❤️

    Nina 48

    Hi Heidi

    They normally recommend a week off after after breast augmentation. If you work for the NHS you can self certify for the first 7 days of sick leave and tell them you had the flu/food poisoning….whatever you wish!! 🙂


    im in the same place as you such a worrier but really want this im having 300cc overs has anyone had these with dr fiumara? how was it? thank you xx


    Hey Heidi.
    I’m a nurse and booked my surgery last week. I have taken two weeks holiday (having op on first day) and requested to work the back end of the following week upon my return. They suggest that you take a week off work but longer if you can. My trust won’t do authorised leave for cosmetic surgery so I would check your trust policy. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wana chat further


    Ok Nina so basically call in sick for the first 7 days, is that what you mean?
    I work for NHFT Stephanie and I’m fairly new there and I have 85.5 hours left annual leave but I don’t no what that equates to, so basically you will be on annual leave for 2 weeks but work at the end of the second week. As I’m new to mya space I’m unsure how to add you as a friend but I would like to do so…
    Thanks girlies ❤️

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