new nose! Started by: Gemma

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  • Gemma

    Had my operation yesterday with Dr Gonshoir and he was lovely. All the nurses were amazing anf held my hand when I got nervous. have no pain at all just finding it hard to breathe and sleep. Cant wait to get my cast off in two weeks. 🙂 so glad I got it done and didnt chickenn out 😀


    Congratulations on your new nose 🙂 x x


    Hey hun!! Just got back from Highgate and home now relaxing! I feel the same, so glad I have done it and can just look forward to my new nose! Dr G came and saw me this morning and said he has given me a beautiful nose!! 🙂 Like you said, everyone was lovely there and they take great care of you.



    aww great to hear 🙂 i just want my splint off now!its itchin n im bored n i wana see it haaa im too impatient lol x


    They were all so nice, he came to see me before I got discharged yesterday and said hes given me a lovely nose ao to make sure I dont bang it…. My lips and throat are so dry and I cant really eat properly. Still worth every it though. I dont want to wait 2 weeks for my splint to come off!! Xxx


    awww good i banged mine a lil the other day huggin someone lol but its fine my throat is still dry and abit sore when i eat x


    Its horrible, I just want to eat properly. I’m so hungry but finding it hard to eat! How long does it take until I can breathe through my nose?! xx


    i no its the worst part it took me 3 days to start eating proper food n i still cant rly breath throught it bt guess it depends how blocked with blood it is but iv got stitches inside my nose to which isnt helping they are ment to be disolvable ones but they dont seem to be goin lol x


    Hi girls, how long until you took the pad thing off? The nurse and dr g told me I can take it off later today but just wanted to know what you girls did.

    Gemma – you probs still have yours on too but will u take it off today?



    I’m still leaking blood so gunna leave mine on untill it stops. Its so annoying. Im trying to resist the urge to blow my nose. Sleep is a nightmare, keep waking myself up every 5 mins through lack of breathing or worrried I’m gunna bash it. When you having your stitches out?!? Xxx


    Yeah I’ll do that too Hun 🙂

    I don’t have stitches as I had closed rhino so just need to have my cast off in 2 weeks.

    My eyes feel quite heavy and I can see some bruising but that gets worse on day 2/3 so that’s normal.

    I know sleep is a pain Hun! Makes ur throat hurt too and gives you dry lips.

    How did you feel going down to theatre? I started crying when I woke up lol! Xxx


    I had open so I have a bunch of stitches and my nose is completly blocked! I keep feeling the urge to sneeze which is scary! The nurse held my hand before I went under, I was so nervous! When I woke up I was in a panic. I hated the tube being taken out! Are you using the nasal spray?! Xx


    i sneezed the other day lol wasnt nice n iv not used anythin the nurses said dont she said if anything use warm water and cotton buds n gently roll em on the scabs but dont pick anything x


    My nose is totally blocked with dry blood so the nasal spray is useless. I’ll try the cotton bud and warm water, I’m just scared to even touch it. Xx


    its fine just be really gentle and it comes off iv got loads still up n wont budge but im just leaving it x


    What helps with the itching! Its driving me mad already and its only day 2??? Xx


    Hey girls, feel so tired today and my eyes are very swollen. Not too much bruising but think that may develop over the coming days.

    The nurse called me today for check up and said to leave the pad thing on for at least 4-5 days.

    I haven’t tried the nasal spray yet tbh, kinnda scared to even touch my nose or put anything near it! Lol

    In terms of itching Hun, I ain’t got a clue, I’m in the same boat as you there lol. Xxx


    I woke up thismorning and my eyes are massively bruised and swollen! I slept on my side lastnight as thats the onlyway I could get any sleep. I could breathe through one nostril in the night which was helpful but seems to have blocked back up again today. Ive cleaned around my nose with cotton pads and water and it has helped alot. Its impossible to laugh or yawn without it throbbing, and trying to hold back laughing is a night mare lol xxx


    Yeah I can breathe though one nostril too but like you, it gets clogged up again. I’m gonna try the cleaning around the nose today. Still swollen eyes 🙁 yep can’t yawn or laugh either lol.

    Lauren- how are you feeling? Xx


    Going to add you girls as friends if u don’t mind as I’m having ba and lipo but considering nose too x


    Well I suppose it makes sense to get it all done at once, but the doctor will tell you if its gunna be too much for you. I what kind of rhino willyou be getting?! X


    I think I just want tip cos my nose is straight but its pointy And I think the end is big and more obvious now I’ve lost weight cos my face is smaller just been really conscious of it as of late transform said they won’t do all 3 at same time but that was just pc she wouldn’t even give me a price! Xx


    Ive had open rhino and had alot of work done, and I wouldnt advise getting anything else done on top of this but if its just the tip you want doing I’m sure they can do that. Its down to what you can handle I suppose! Have you been for your consultation?! Xx


    I suppose not after reading you can’t breathe I’m wondering wether to wait till after my ba I’ve had one with hospital group Nd transform for ba and lipo but not with mya yet going to book waiting for them to call xx how many days are you post op? If I don’t reply straight Away I have a little toddler bouncing on my leg as I haven’t paid her any attention lol so guns have go play with her for abit xx



    I had closed rhino and am 3 days post op, same as Gemma as we had our surgery on the same day 🙂

    My tip was ok just wanted to get rid of the bump really. I would advise not doing it all at the same time as it is quite a lot. Difficulty sleeping, breathing and swollen/ bruised eyes and just generally feeling a bit shit. That is my personal opinion though and is how I feel only.

    See what mya say though I guess. Xxx


    Many congrats xxxx


    Thanks xxx


    I went for a few consultations and would recommend mya 100%.. They are the most professional and I thought everyone I spoke to and saw were lovely. I would also wait and getthem done separate, its hard enough getting comfortable without added pain elsewhere. I’m 3 days post op, getting my stitches out in 5 days. Xx


    hey girlies sorry only just seen this pav im doin fine now i started a new job today felt so silly with this splint on n ppl were staring but i just annouced it to every1 that iv had it done looool 3 days till its comes off woooop 🙂 its itchin sooo much tho n my inside stitches that are ment to dissolve havent budged :s xx


    I can’t believe your getting your cast off in 3 days Lauren thats gone so quickly, can’t wait to see it bet you are looking forward to that. I hope you are feeling better today Gemma and Pav, am not looking forward to this itching and sleepless nights but it will all be worth it in the end for new nose. At least I can prepare myself for it now hearing about it lol x x


    i know its flown by lol i just sneezed for the first time wieeerrdddd looool x


    Omg 3 days! How exciting Hun!

    Just want this swelling to go down!! How long until your went down Lauren?



    aww i no erm think about day 4 /5 i looked like me again ha x


    Great! Thanks Hun, hopefully I will be back to normal by the end of the week, lol.



    yer ul be fiiiine u manage to get any pics up?iv not taken any more coz i dont look any diff each day now ill wait till i get it off x


    omg well done hyou 2 got my open next wednesday feeling scared now had my ba last year but really scared how are you 2 feeling xx


    aww wow ur lucky to get both 🙂 ul feel shit for 3 days max then the worst is over lol the only bad things really will be your throat best thing ive ever done id do it all again tomoz if i had too 🙂 x


    Lauren did you have to have stitches out?! I have to go to the clinic on Monday for them to take them out, I’m scared lol! I’m feeling a bit better today, can breathe through both nostrils at certain points which feels really weird. I still have alot of dry blood where my nose was cut open, shall I clean it or just leave it? How are you feeling Pav? Any pics xxx


    Hey girls!! I’m currently laying in bed with my gown on & sexy knickers!! Going down at about 11.00! How exciting!! I’m not even that nervous – just can’t stop thinking bout food lol 🙁 xx


    Aww I hope all went well!! I wasnt nervous until they were putting me under?! You having dr Gonshoir?! Good luck!! X


    Also, im dying to wash my hair, but worried about getting the cast wet ect… Any tips and how long did you wait?! Xx


    I’m so disappointed girls! Was quoted 5450 after seeing Dr G, started saving so I could put half down, spoke to PC today and she said its 6450 if I want to stay over night or 6050 for the rhino as a day case!!! This is a big price increase in a couple of months. She said I’ve got to have a graft which wasn’t even mentioned to me when I saw Dr G so I don’t have a clue what that is, don’t know if its standard for all open rhino to have? I feel really upset, to increase the price by 500 in a few months is taking advantage of people. Sorry for the rant but feeling a bit shit about it now x


    If your unhappy or dont understand what will be done then ask for a second consultation with Dr g. That way you can get him to explain it in more detail. Prices do change every now and then and you can never know the final price untill the doctor has had a look. I paid 5,500 approx and mine was open rhino. Xx


    Well I’ve been told that its because it will take 2.15 minutes which is longer than open rhino, first of all I was told it was because there has been a price increase since april and then I said my consult was after april so apparently its not for that reason anymore. But what I’m angry with is why after my initial visit to Dr G did the manager of the clinic quote me that price when she had the exact same notes infront of her as my PC does now? And inbetween now and then they have slapped 600 quid on it, and I’ve been told Mya haven’t increased the prices. I am going for a second consult with Dr G x x


    Hey girls, feeling much better today – the swelling has gone done 🙂 yayyyy!!

    Yeah I have taken some pics but cant upload them on my iPad? Think I need to do it on my laptop – I will give it a try otherwise will wait until the cast is off and then I can just upload the pics from start to finish. I will try in a bit though so keep an eye out 🙂

    OMG – I am dying to wash my hair too! I dont wanna gross anyone out but I kinnda have blood in mine!! it’s all dried up though (ewww) Any tips on when and how to wash my hair would be great too 🙂

    Kasey – Let us know how you got on, just rest for now though and congrats on your new nose 🙂 Well done!!!

    Pebblea616 – I can imagine how frustrating that is! It is already a lot of money to get Rhinoplasty done and to add more on top is crazy! Sounds a bit odd to me that they would just up the price like that but thankfully you are going to see Dr G again so he can see in more detail what is needed. Let us know how you get on.



    That’s brilliant to hear the swelling has gone down. I’ve seen a few people have had problems uploading from an I pad so you may have to do it on a laptop instead. Could you not lean backwards over the sink and get someone to wash your hair? Or in the bath? I will do, I can’t see him until january now though and he’s booked up to April already so by the time I’ve seen him and booked it Mya will have probably done another price increase knowing my luck haha at least I’ve calmed down now I was fuming earlier lol. And congrats Kasey on your new nose 🙂 x x


    Yeah I may give it few more days and ask my PC actually as she had Rhino with Dr G a week before me 🙂

    I have uploaded pics too so take a look – i look awful so please excuse lol 🙂 Trying to upload a profile pic too, any idea how I do this? Lol

    Yeah when I went for my consultation in Nov, he had like 1 date left in Nov and 1 in Dec and then nothing until like March! He does get booked very quickly but thats a good thing I guess lol.

    He is very understanding so just expain what happened to him as well and I am sure he will sort something xxx


    Ye that’s probably best haha I wouldn’t have a clue to be fair I just google everything for answers! He did have some small spaces left sooner but not long enough to do an open rhino on me. Fingers crossed it will be sorted soon, I just had the idea that everything was settled and all I had to do was book a date. There should be an option on your profile to change your profile picture, I can’t remember how I did mine now lol. I can see your nose is going to look lovely when the cast comes off, the shape looks good even with a cast on x x


    Thank you xxx

    Can’t wait to get it off now!!! 🙂


    The pics are amazing, your not as swollen as me! 🙂 i had a shallow bath yesterday but dare not wash my hair, ill need help to do that i reckon. i had loads of dry blood in it aswell and its so greasy and unclean. i think ill feel 100% better once i have clean hair! i might wash it tomorrow. just have to put a towel over my face and get my mum to help lol!!! xxx

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