new nose! Started by: Gemma

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  • Pav

    Awww thanks, I look awful though but oh we’ll I just had surgery! Lol

    Yeah I so wanna wash my hair too, gonna get in contact with my PC tomorrow just to make sure it’s ok as she had rhino with dr g a week ago and I’ll let you know any tips Hun 🙂

    Think it’s best we get help yes lol, can’t get the casts wet xxx


    haha, when is your cast off again? which clinic you going too? I have to have my stitches out monday so i want to feel/look a bit better before i venture out lol! i suppose they will understand that i have just had surgery though hahaha! im breathing alot better today and moving around alot more 🙂 im hoping the worst it over 😀 so excited now! 🙂 ill put some pics up tomorrow xxx


    Mine comes off on 17th Hun so week and a half yet. I’m going to fenchurch street clinic, you? Yeah I feel much better today too!! Woohoo xxx


    Im going to birmingham..mines off on the 14th..which sounds really early…..Ill let you know how it goes 🙂 so nervoussss xxx


    Yes please let me know Hun and be honest if it hurts lolll

    I was meant to have mine off on 14th too which would have been 12 days but Dr G told me 2 weeks is better, plus they told me that no nurse is in on the 14th anyway and next earliest was Monday.



    Yeah Dr g said that 2 weeks is best aswell, but the woman i spoke to insisted it would be enough time. ill have a word when i get my stitches out. i might attempt to wash my hair tonight. its gunna be a nightmare to brush out the week old dry blood 🙁 lol xxx


    Yeah I would say wait 2 weeks 🙂

    Omg!! The blood is gross! Make sure u get help though xxx


    Hi girls

    So useful reading all of this! Just saw pebble said hes booked up till April now… oh dear thats no good. You girls are all so brave for going through with it.. I feel like I’ll bail last minute and freak out. Is it really scary drivng to the hospital on the day of?!?


    Yeah hes always got such a full schedule, but thats always a good sign 🙂 get an appointment asap, sometimes there are a couple of cancelations so always a chance youll get a sooner op date. the only time i was nervous was when they took me to be put under, but the nurse was amazing and held my hand and calmed me down, and was there when i woke up. Its been hard but after the first 3 days it gets easier. just itchy lol xx


    Well said Gemma, that’s exactly how it is! That is the only time I got nervous too but before u know it, ur awake again lol.

    No pain or swelling for me today just itchy but that’s a good sign! Xxx


    Heyyyy!! Op went really well thanks!! I was down there for bout 2 & half hours apparently!! I’m VERY swollen today & finding it hard to breathe, but all expected eh!? All I’ve done is sleep too lol..I came out of the op with 2 black eyes too!! Wasn’t expecting that at all xxxx


    Yes that’s normal Hun, don’t do anything but rest for first 3/4 days and then it will get bit better. Your eyes will go down too.

    Glad it went well just recovery now xxx


    pixie123 I’ve been told he is booked up until April and May and July are already getting busy, but you can just book an operation date and change it if you give them enough notice x x


    thanks pebblea616, im seeing Dr G next Tuesday so i guess we’ll see how it goes… its good theres a waiting list but also bad because i cant decide and im too cowardly to book it haha but ideally id need to have it like april before a job. and before i get hayfever! Eeek. have you decided you definitely want it? xx


    He’s really lovely, he doesn’t rush you or anything and he is very realistic I’m sure you will like him. What are you worried about with regards to booking the operation? I have put it off for so long because I couldn’t face telling my family, and I’ve only told my mum now! I am going back to see Dr G on the 17th now in London as I didn’t know he wanted to do a graft and I’ve read up on it and I don’t actually understand why he wants to do it as they are mainly used in reconstructive rhinoplasty’s. But I 100% want a nose job, I am so unhappy with it I can’t go on without changing. If you wanted April you are probably going to have to book this month, it is difficult and your PC will probably push you as well, but if your not comfortable don’t let them push you take your time and make sure you definitely want it. x x x


    well done and hapy healing to u all pav u look wonderful babe just a few more days til my open with mr fallahadar who did my ba last year got an overnight stay what did you take in as i was a day case before well done girls xxx


    Hey, just a little update! Im feeling so much better today 😀 actually got dressed and finallllly washed my hair, with a little help from my mum lol.. very awkward bath moment! i feel 100% better now, just slighty blocked still, but its getting easier 🙂 stitches out monday so hopefully the nurses will hep clear blockages! hope everyones healing well, it does ease up so just give it time girls 🙂 xxxxxx


    Hey girls!!

    Feeling great today! Washed my hair too! Was awkward as well and my bf had to help me. Feel sooooo much better. The bruising went a bit yellow this morning but this is totally normal and has now all gone!

    Pebble- I’m getting my cast off on 17th at fenchurch street so may see u there 😉 good luck with your appt

    Supercoops- thankssss 🙂 take slippers to wear as u walk down to theatre and something easy to change into the next day I.e zip up top, nothing you have to put over your head. It will be a tough night as I stayed overnight too and they won’t take your packaging out until the morning and only then it felt bit better. Soooo excited for you 🙂

    Gemma- glad your feeling better Hun, the worst is defo over hey! Do you find it itchy? I’m so itchy at night!! Let me know how Monday goes.



    I added photos too girls xxx


    You look amazing pav 🙂 my swelling is mainly on my cheeks and its very yellow, but like you say normal. I haven’t used many ice packs so gunna give them another go. Day 6 is definitely the day you start to feel human again lol! Would happily do it all again now lol. I’m really itching it’s so frustrating. And keep having slight twinges. Ive sneezed a bunch of times and its been okay. My top lip is very numb still which concerns me but I’m hoping thats just the swelling and obviously where ive been cut open but I’ll ask Monday 🙂 really cant wait for Friday to come to get this cast off! I have dry blood still around my stitches which I bugging me but I cant get off. 🙂 xxxx


    Awww thank you, means a lot!

    The itching is driving me crazy and I get those twinges too! I almost sneezed today and freaked out lol! I’m sure it will come soon though!!

    Yeah I wouldn’t worry Hun, you still have like a week to go before the cast comes off and you will be surprised at how much the body heals in 1 week. Hopefully they clean it for you Monday which may help with the breathing and clearing of the nostrils.

    You haven’t got long now, so excited for you!!!!



    pebble when do you think youll want to be booking it then? Yeh telling family is the worst.. told my mum and she said she cant support me in it :/ i think shes worried that somethings going to go wrong. but for some reason i feel like it wont because Dr G is clearly so pro! I think im scared about telling friends and people who are anti cosmetic surgery.. ugh. about booking it im worried about it being final and im REALLY scared of operations- ive never had one before i reckon id have a breakdown leading up to it haha. Im not worried about recovery it sounds uncomfortable but once the op was over id just be so relieved… are you worried about op or is it just me being a wimp?


    Gemma and Pav you sound like you are getting on healing so well now! Glad your both feeling better and have managed to wash your hair lol! have either of you used the nasel spray and is it any good? Also do ice packs help bring the swelling down? And yes Pav might see you there, she said my appointment was at 3 but then I had an email saying it was 5.15pm so I’m clueless now ha, what time is your appointment?
    Pixie123 after I’ve met with him on the 17th and I know what is going on, as long as I’m happy with it I will book then, but if he still wants to go ahead with the graft I want to see a few more sugeons and get there opinion. Dr G will tell you there is always a chance you may not like your nose afterwards, this is to do with expectations etc. I’m not telling any friends until its done and only if they notice it, apparently most people will recognise that something is different about you but won’t be able to pin point it. I’ll probably be nervous before it, last time I had an operation my heart bascially slowed down and nearly stopped but i have very low blood pressure anyway so thats scaring me but I am just focusing on the outcome of the operation and trying to be positive. Maybe if you could talk your mum around to being there for you it would make you feel more comfortable? I think also you may feel more comfortable after meeting Dr G, he can answer your worries and then you can take your time and decide if you definitely want it, hes not going any where lol and I’m sure he will be a surgeon for quite a while longer x x x


    Hey girls, I was scared to tell my mum as I though she would think I’m crazy but surprisingly she was so supportive as she knew how much it meant to me and how upset I was with my nose. She told me to just make sure I find the best surgeon 🙂

    You probably will get nervous but once your down there it all happens so fast, your gone and before you know it, your waking up with a new nose! You will be so proud of yourself. Recovery is hard for first 3/4 days but I promise it gets better. I’ve never had surgery before or been put to sleep but I would so do it again now, lol.

    I haven’t used the spray yet but may give it a try tomorrow. I don’t think there’s a need for ice packs. My swelling went on the 6th day and has now gone completely and it’s been exactly 1 week today since I had surgery. As Dr G said to me, just let your body heal normally. No need to take any vitamin tablets before or after or arnica.

    My appt is at 3pm as well, may see u there 🙂

    Maybe take your mum with u to meet him so she can see what he is like and also MYA as a company so she knows they are professional and excellent at what they do.

    Btw feel great today, nose is itchy though but bareable. Xxx


    pebble that sounds so scary!!! glad you’re ok! how did that happen… i have low blood pressure too now im scared that’ll happen haha. Yeh i think its awkward not having your mums consent really.. told her tonight I had an appt tomorrow and she was just like “you must be mad”. Not good! I think if she saw how professional MYA are she’d be less worried about it. Its so hard to go through with something thats so foreign to you/that youre unsure of when everyone around you thinks youre doing the wrong thing! even my boyfriend was like to me your nose is perfect so it can only get worse for me but ill support you either way. GAH
    Pebble I hope things uncomplicate themselves and you dont have to get a graft! 🙂

    Thanks Pav 🙂 you’re lucky your mum was supportive straight away thats so good. I think maybe aslong as you don’t think about what Dr G will actually do in those 2 hours and instead think of it as all you have to do is go to sleep itll be ok. hopefully haha.

    Have my meeting with him tomorrow.. kind of want to take pictures but at the same time dont feel like other peoples noses will suit my face so worried ill ask for something i dont actually want. did you guys take photos? Glad your recoveries are going well xxx


    I had a my tonsils out and apparently I was screaming in recovery so they gave me 2 lots of morphine and I just had a bad reaction, I am allergic to paracetomol and codeine and morphine is similar to codeine I’ve been told so could have been something to do with that. I am sure you will be fine the anesthetics will have all your information and they will tailor medication around you so you get the best. You’ve got to remember your mum gave birth to you and she thinks that you are the most perfect thing ever so its hard for her to hear that you want to change yourself but I’m sure with a bit of time and the right information she will be there for you. You can only do the operation for you, my ex boyfriend said the same when I told him but I paid no attention lol. Its brilliant that he is going to support you though, that will be a massive help, he can wait on you hand and foot then haha! I didn’t take pictures to my first appointment but I am going to when I see him next week, he will be able to tell you what he thinks needs correcting and also what will suit you, at the end of the day he wouldn’t give you a nose that isn’t right for your face because its his reputation. Good luck with your appointment tomorrow and let us all know how it goes!
    And Pav, yes I might see you there then! bet you can’t wait to get the cast off now, and glad to hear you are healing nicely other than the itching lol, have you still got a blocked nose or are you breathing ok now? x x x


    Hey girls!!! Went to have my stitches out today, which went really well. Took about 20 seconds lol so was well worth the hours car journey there haha. Going back on Friday for the cast. All the girls in the office and the nurse said that ive hardly bruised and seem to be doing really well! Cant wait for Friday now. I feel back to myself now but just cant stand this itching!!!! Lol.. :):) xxxxx


    Heyyy!!! Wohoo!! congrats on getting your stiches out! So glad everything is going well for you Gemma and your recovering well 🙂

    I am the same, feel normal again but this itching is annoying! I just keep telling myself its a good sign, its a good sign…lol.

    Still have blocked nose, not breathing properly yet but trying the nasal spray today finally 🙂

    My cast is now coming off on Friday too!! Cant wait!! Ahhhhh xxxxx


    Ah thats brilliant so we will both know on Friday 🙂 sooo excited! The itching is a nightmare and I have some disolvable stitches still that havnt gone. I keep waking up on my side and at one point on my front :/ which ached a bit 🙁 4 days to gooo 🙂 xx


    I know!! Cannot wait!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh 🙂

    Dont worry hun I am sure it is fine xxx


    Hopefully 🙂 Do you think it will be too soon to go out over xmas, if I take it easy?!? Xx


    Well I’m going on holiday for 2 weeks and fly out Xmas Day! I checked with Dr G before booking surgery and he said its absolutely fine as its at least 3 weeks since surgery.

    It will be fine Hun just make sure u don’t drink too much so ur not falling over!!! Lol



    Haha I’m just worried about how its going to look, im preying its not to swollen or bruised for long. I cant wait to go out lol!!! I wont be drinking loads, I’ll end up flat on my face with my luck haha xx


    There will be swelling Hun and it can take up to 1 year for it to go down completely!

    Apparently when the cast comes off, that’s only 60-70% of how your nose will look.

    Plus the more work you have done, the more swelling I guess xxx


    hey ladies sorry not been on for a bit my splint is finally off wooop so happy cant believe the diff 🙂 my tip is a lil swollen but im feelin good 🙂 shal try add a couple pics xx


    Congrats Hun!! My big reveal is tomo!! Ahhh xx


    Ahh glad your happy with it..mines off tomorrow aswell!!! i cant waitttt!! xx


    Good luck Gemma xxx


    and too you, mines off at 3…. ill let you know how it goesss 😀 xxxx


    Im 4pm hun xxx


    hey girls 2 days post opnow had a bath feel cleaner now does it hurt when they take the stitches out havent taken any pain killers just the antibiotics this seems so much easier than the ba last year happy healing girlies xx


    Hello everyone!
    Had my op on Monday the 10th and sooooo desperate to see my new nose!! Went to highgate and all the nurses were so lovely and dr g too!!
    Getting my stitches off on Monday at upper wimpole street and they have squeezed me in on the 24th December to get my cast off, just in time for Christmas!! I am so inpatient though!
    How is everyone doing?
    My main problems are my eyes are still very swollen and itchy! And seem to have major insomnia as I am so excited about Christmas and my new nose!!
    Would love to hear your stories xxxxx


    Hey girls! Thought I’d jump on the bandwagon n join in ur convo. Lol! How u doing Pav? Hi Gemma… nice to meet u! lol. I’m now 5 days post op… Swelling is still quite bad but bruising is a lot better… Turning yellow now!! The itching is the worst thing!!! Unbearable at times! I haven’t been out at all… Soooooo bored! Stitches out on Monday n cast off next Fri! Can’t wait to see ur pics now that both ur casts are off today! I’m so worried about the results… I feel like I look really piggy n my nose is really turned up now 🙁 I haven’t used the nasal spray yet. Is it any good? I’m still so blocked up but it’s always running a bit so I’m constantly dabbing it with tissue! I’ve been taking arnica tablets n using the cream on my bruised eyes but that’s about it. Don’t know if its made any difference but my bruising did seem to come out really quickly which was good! X x


    Hey girls! Thought I’d jump on the bandwagon n join in ur convo. Lol! How u doing Pav? Hi Gemma… nice to meet u! lol. I’m now 5 days post op… Swelling is still quite bad but bruising is a lot better… Turning yellow now!! The itching is the worst thing!!! Unbearable at times! I haven’t been out at all… Soooooo bored! Stitches out on Monday n cast off next Fri! Can’t wait to see ur pics now that both ur casts are off today! I’m so worried about the results… I feel like I look really piggy n my nkose is really turned up now 🙁 I haven’t used the nasal spray yet. Is it any good? I’m still so blocked up but it’s always running a bit so I’m constantly dabbing it with tissue! I’ve been taking arnica tablets n using the cream on my bruised eyes but that’s about it. Don’t know if its made any difference but my bruising did seem to come out really quickly which was good! X x


    Whoops! Don’t know why that posted twice! Tamara… I’m going to upper wimpole street on mon to have my stitches taken out too! 12pm I think! I had mine done the day before u on sun 9th! Cast off on 21st! Ur having urs on for longer than me! I thought it only had to be on for 12 days. Oh well. I’m not complaining!! Cannot wait to get it off!!! X


    Hey Chrissy! Today is my first time on this forum and i think it is pretty cool! I am going at 5pm on Monday, very tempted to go shopping that day but am too scared to be seen in public! I am so pleased to have found someone in the same situation as me as we are only a day apart! I had to fight to get my cast off on the 24th as they are so busy and everyone needs it off on that day, otherwise I would have to wait until the 28th which is way too long for me as I am so inpatient and want to see it ASAP!! Please keep me updated with your progress. With me the main problems are my bruised eyes are quite sore and itchy and my throat is sore and dry, hope you are feeling ok. xxx


    Congratulations on your new noses girls! I’m really jealous as I’ve got to wait ages unless they find a cancellation. Supercoops I’m really glad to op went well and your not in too much pain. And Lauren your nose looks amazing, I bet your really pleased.
    Chrissy1103 and Tamara, do you mind if I give you an add? x x x


    Yes you can add me 🙂


    hey girls yes i took the arnica as well but still look ive been beaten up tho as i said the brusing and swelling has gone down a lot today as you said dry lips sore throat cough up some awful stuff lool sniffing a bit as well and the itchy feeling all under the plaster but only 2 days in lol. Stitches out on the 19th which is a year to the day when i had my boobs done how weird happy healing girls have got pics but have to re size them xxx


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    Hey ladies!!!

    So I started to shit myself when I got out the car after parking outside upper wimpole street yesterday. I had a little wait and at that point couldn’t believe I didn’t even want it off! I was soooooo nervous!! Way more nervous than when I went into surgery!

    Taking the cast off was to be totally honest with you, AWFUL! It hurt soooooo much and I had to actually get her to stop at one point! I was worried she was going to move/ change the Shape of my nose as she was touching it a lot and pressing quite hard! i guess she knows what shes doing though. Then the time came when she gave me the mirror….as expected, I burst into tears! I couldn’t even bring myself to turn the mirror around and have a look. I kept saying sorry to the nurse as I was crying soooooo much! She was lovely though 🙂

    Finally I did it and after a bit more crying, I started to analyse my nose and…..I LOVE IT!!! It is still swollen but I don’t care! I can see such a difference already! I still look like me but much better! I started to get bruising straight away under my eyes but it went yellow a few hours later which is a good sign as it means its healing and this morning, it’s much better and should go completely in couple days or even tomorrow!

    Dr G told me not to use anything whilst I was healing, not even arnica and my bruising and healing was great! It went completely on like the 6/7day.

    Ultimately very very pleased and I’m hoping the nose gets better and looks better as the swelling goes down but I am very happy now! Anything u need to know girls just let me know 🙂

    I will add pics soon and let you know. Xxx

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