new nose! Started by: Gemma

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    ahh well done pav omg im scared now cant wait to see your pics xxx


    Omg Pav!! I’m so scared now… Haha! I can’t believe it hurt that bad. Thought the nurse would be really careful! I’m scared about getting my stitches out on Monday cos I’m guessing that will hurt but didn’t expect having the cast taken off would hurt!! Shittttt. Lol! Glad ur happy! Can’t wait to see some pics. Congratulations!!
    Tamara – yea my first time on this forum too! So good to hear everyones stories! I’ve been trying to put some pics up of my progress but they keep coming out the wrong way round! Oh well. Feeling a lot better today! 6 Days post op – sore throat has gone! Black eyes are almost gone too! Swelling and puffy cheeks has gone down a lot. Just really itchy at times!! Cannot wait til mon to get these hideous ugly stitches out!!!!! Xx


    Hey Chrissy,

    I’m not sure if it will hurt for everyone tbh, everyone may be different. Not sure about stitches as I had closed rhino.

    You will get more bruising once the cast is off as remember that area where the cast covers (edge of the nose) is covered and u don’t see it until the cast is off. Plus u will probably swell up a bit and ur nose will definitely be swollen but will go down.

    My bruising has gone down already from yesterday but not fully xxx


    Oh and my nose does hurt too for me, think that is because the cast was difficult to remove!

    I need to take painkillers which I didn’t need to take when the cast is off.

    I’m just letting you know about me and everyone is different Hun xxx


    So happy for you pav. I’ll finally get my cast off tomorrow 🙂 the stitches dont really hurt just feels like someone plucking hairs out lol! Ive had this splint on for 2 weeks now and its sooooooo itchy!!! Like unreal. I keep on wanting to rip the cast off myself..after hearing your story pav I’ll give that a miss ahahaha xxx


    Ahh glad u don’t think getting the stitches out hurt… I’m so scared about 2mo but at the same time, I cannot wait! They’re really annoying me now! Good luck with getting ur cast off… 2 weeks is a long time! U guna upload some pics? Hope it’s not painful for u! Xx


    hey chrissy let me know if it hurts gotta have mine out on the 19th dreading it good luck babe whens your cast off i feellike ive constantly got a blocked nose and talking like it too xx


    The nurse said some people find the stitches coming out really painfull. but it was just a slight sharpe pain for a second on each stich, I had 6. so was in and out within 30 seconds. I was meant to have it off on Friday but got changed too Monday. its driving me insaneeeeee! cant wait to get it offfffff 🙂 good luck with your stitches youll be fine xxxx


    Hey girls,

    Gemma I felt exactly the same! Wanted to rip the damn thing off as the itching was driving me crazy! So glad it’s off now though although if it itches, I use a tissue as u have to be very careful and gentle. The nurse shows u on the day u get ur cast off how gentle u can touch it.

    So it’s been 2 days since the cast came off and already my nose looks slimmer which must mean the swelling is going down! I am sooooooooo happy with the result! I have tried to upload pics but my iPad makes them come out the wrong way round and I can’t rotate them unless I’m on my laptop but I’ll do that tomorrow.

    My nose is tender still and does hurt. It’s hurts more now than when the cast was on (i actually had no pain then) but honestly it’s bearable and just take painkillers. It hurts to even touch it so I have to be very gentle.

    Good luck girls with your recovery, just remember it will all be worth it in the end 😉

    Gemma u must be so excited! Only 1 more sleep to go xx


    Hey girls, I will be putting up a pic shortly so take a look 🙂

    I think I can only do one for now as the others are all the wrong way round still but I will try sort it out xxx


    Hey pav. Mines finally off and its amazingg!!!! I’ll put before and after pics up and you can see a major difference! Im over the moon!!!! I still cant look in the mirror without taking a second glance. I’ll take a look at your pics now so glad its finally over glad your swelling is getting better xx


    Hey hun

    OMG!! I am so happy that you are happy!! I know what you mean! I cant stop looking at myself lol.

    Would love to see some pics xxx


    well done girls cant wait to see pics xx


    My pic is up hun xx


    omg looking good babe congratulations hope mine looks as good xxx


    Thank you!!! Will upload more pics when my skin has calmed down a bit and can wear make up properly! My skin around the nose is still kinnda dry so concealer isnt staying very well for me but cleanse, tone and moisturise twice a day should help!



    ahh hows he itching mine is doing my head in now how long did u have ure cast on for? well done babe x x x


    Pav you look amazingg!!! 🙂 so happy!!!!! My nose was really big and dr g has given me a nose that fits my face. I’ll try and upload in a minute! Mines hardly swollen at the minute and no bruises just very dry skin and I have some spots obviously just because I havnt been able to was my face properly but that will soon fade. Sooooo excited!! Xxxxx


    I have put pics up 🙂


    Gemma n Pav… Wow!!! U both look amazing! Congratulations 🙂 hope my results are as good as urs!! 3 more days n il know! So nervous! Had my stitches out today… It feels so much better now! Didnt hurt really, just exactly like plucking a nose hair out!! Haha. Although I’ve got a couple of dissolvable ones that haven’t dissolved yet n I can see them!!
    Gemma did it hurt u when u had the cast removed? I’m hoping I don’t swell too much afterwards cos I’m planning my first night out on Xmas eve… Need to get out this house n get all dressed up! I’ve looked n felt like an unattractive bloke the last week!!! Lol x x


    Thank youuuuu 🙂 Yeah the stitches didn’t really hurt either, just uncomfortable. the cast coming off wasn’t painful for me, the bit that was the worst was the plaster coming off, and felt well exactly how youd expect a plaster being ripped off to feel. but I just let her get on with it and it was off within a minute. and the splint on my nose just felt like a suction when she took it off! youll be fine honest 🙂 im so happy! im really surprised that ive had no pain, I thought having my nose broken ect would really hurt but the whole experience is just uncomfortable. which I can deal with! im planning a cheeky night out on sat, so im hoping my nose doesn’t decide to swell. atm its only slightly swollen. good luck hunni xxx


    Ahh glad uve had no pain. I haven’t had much really either! Just uncomfortable. 2 more days n counting! I think I’m more excited bout getting this damn thing off than I am about actually seeing the results! Lol. I think I’m guna cry the first time I look in the mirror… Did u get emotional at all? Did it feel like u were looking at sum1 else? It must be so weird!! I’m sure ul be fine by Sat! My friend who has had hers done says it swells more when she’s had a drink! Lol. I won’t be getting too merry over Xmas just incase I fall over n ruin all Dr.G’s hard work!!! Lol x x


    that’s good to hear gemma got my stitches out tomorrow and see if im healed enough o have cast off last night was unbearable itchy had under 2 hours sleep ggrrr ventured out to the drs today the looks i got was quiet amusing tbh got to go on the underground tomorrow thatll be even more fun lol @chrissy did your friends nose swell when she had a drink finish antibiotics was wanted a pre-xmas tipple on Thursday llol xxx


    I booked my operation today for the 1st May next year, up until this point I haven’t even been nervous but now I feel sick thinking am I doing the right thing. Its something that I’ve wanted for so long but I’m panicking that its going to go wrong and I will hate it afterwards. Did anyone else feel like this? x x


    Congrats on booking your op hun!

    I felt exactly the same way which I am sure everyone else did! I saw so many success stories and photos but kept thinking that something will go wrong with me!! Will I like it? Will it suit me? Will I look different? Will I regret it?

    Surgery is a big thing and you are very brave to go through it. You just have to keep remembering how much you want this and how amazing you will look after.

    Dr G is a god!! I pretty much left him to it to be honest and put all my trust in him. I am so glad I did as he has done this for years!!

    It is nerve racking and for me, it didnt hit me properly until I was walking down to theatre! But to be honest, being put to sleep was the worst thing for me as I have never done that before! I was so close to crying when I lay on the bed but held my tears back as I thought the anethesists would think im crazy! However, when I was waking up, I burst into tears as I was so happy I done it and they were lovely and wiping away my tears 🙂

    There are risks involved (which are very slim) and we all knew that beforehand but I guess it all depends on how bad you want it. For me, VERY BAD!!! Lol xxx


    I’m feeling a bit better today, I just keep checking in the mirror and realising how much I dislike it haha! I’m just unsure of what kind of pictures to take with me before the op, I like so many noses on other people but he said to only take about 2 or 3. Pav hun your nose looks so nice, I bet you are really pleased, I want a nose like that now please lol! Awww bless it isnt nice having to go under before an operation, I bet you are glad you did it now though? x x x


    hey pebble if you think you’re doing the right thing hen you probably are, as you’ve booked the operation you must want it ive looked in the mirror and at photos for years thinking i hate the nose apart from my boobs and having my kids it one of the best things ive doe tho at the moment its itchy because of the rash but thatll go soon and ill be left with a wonderful nose, as pav did i left i in the hands of my surgeon Mr Fallahadar and soo glad i did will post pics later excuse the crap on face allergic reaction to the cast lool xx


    hey girls uploaded new pics of new nose please take a look at them im sure its still big excuse the skin was allergic to cast xx


    Your nose looks brilliant supercoops, I didn’t realise you had the cast off already. Did it hurt at all or were you ok? Are you pleased with the results? To be fair I’ve not seen anyone at all whos nose doesn’t look brilliant after the rhino, I can’t wait now for new me. You may have been allergic to the plaster? I know people that have been allergic to sticky plasters before x x x


    hey pebble thanks babe i think where its still swollen and the rash its getting me down, No babe it didn’t hurt much was just nervous i think but even the stitches didn’t hurt that much. It was the cast babe as where the plaster was had no rash at all lool good luck babe whens ure op. I’m sure ill be more happy when the rash has gone xx


    Oh thats good to hear it wasn’t too uncomfortable! to be honest you can’t see much of a rash just looks a tad red so its not bad at all, it really doesn’t look too swollen either only a little as well but thats to be expected and fingers crossed that will go down for you soon. Is it calming down now the rash? Did they tell you to put anything on it to help? I’ve booked my op for the 1st May, I would of liked it sooner but the other dates they had available they didn’t have a slot long enough for me, and some dates I wasn’t available. The shape of your nose looks fab anyway x x


    Thanks babe im sort of liking now except that its all full of gunk, Im taking the antibiotics as well as anti-hystermines cant spell that word lool. And its still swollen a bit the eyes are still bruised a bit but im shocked at how quick the bruising went down. Ahh babe when you have yours done to will love it but yours don’t look as big as mine what don’t you like about it good luck babe and enjoy the journey, my journey started last year with my boobs and ends with my nose but i would like a skin peel when ive healed tho lool xxx

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