new pics – 15 days post op Started by: pinkfly7

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    Believe me the pictures make them look bigger than they are, Or at least how they feel!
    Got some serious boob greed going on!
    I’m also worried one is bigger than the other, I had a smaller right breast before but my surgeon used the same size implant in both ..eek
    So either my left is dropping and my right hasn’t caught up or I i will still have one smaller!

    I am also worried they will never drop enough to cover my incision line, They don’t feel like they will do that – Or have a crease (Something ive never had before haha) .. xx

    Jess 1

    I think they’re looking great!! And I’m sure they will drop…patience is a virtue!
    I have the same issue with size my left is bigger but was before the op and same implant size used I personally think my one will always be a bit bigger but it doesn’t really bother me too much for both of us it’s not that noticeable it’s only cos we look at boobs all the time now! Lol xx


    Thanks @Jess babes, How are you feeling now?
    Cant believe its been over 2 weeks already xxx

    rosey 3

    Hiya can I add you please pinkfly? X

    Jess 1

    I know this second week has flown by! I’m feeling good except my skin is burning where my bra band sits so iv set them free this evening :/ too sore…feels very weird and heavy hopefully will be ok!
    Haha Sarah I went back on Thursday and as I had told everyone the whole day no one looked me in the eye! Haha xx

    Sarah 1

    Jess, I took my macom off last nite for five mins and it felt like they were going to drop out, really heavy and it feels like i have pulled a muscle under my right armpit, really painful….
    Im in charge of 7 blokes so will be funny to watch their expressions as they are pervs most of the time anyway ha ha


    hahahaha! @Sarah @Jess yep back to work tomorrow for me too, Confession time, Before I left from work at Christmas I wore 2 padded bras on top of each other so the last memory they had was me with massive boobs!!
    Ha Ha I will prob go in tomorrow now and they will think I have had a reduction – Imagination bigger than reality!

    I have that sunburnt feeling too allllllllllll over, Everything is so sore on them, Can see my veins becoming visible all over now so its prob all our nerves etc rejuvinating!
    I take my macom off all the time you know, I have too! Even if its for like 20 min breathers I keep taking it off and on xx

    Jess 1

    Hahahahahaha @pinkfly7 double padded bra amazing plan I’m surprised no one said something then!!
    That makes me feel better you take yours off too and this horrible burning I literally hate having it on iv had if off for 3 hours now and loving it, dreading putting it back on to sleep! 🙁
    Ha @sarah do you think any of them will dare say anything? U had quite big implants too they’ll be having a right old gawp!! xxx

    Sarah 1

    Well Im normally the girl with 2 backs so will be quite funny watching their eyes pop out.
    As for the veins, they look like im breastfeeding again, very visible and burning all over.
    Im scared to let the ladies loose incase they drop out the incisions cuz thats what it felt like last nite. I crapped myself ha ha but then I was trying on my old bikini’s which Ive uploaded 2 pics for you to see (definately got to go holiday shopping).
    We go to Turkey in May and hubby said he can see himself spending time in their jail lol


    hahahaha thats funny! They look amazing in your bikini @Sarah so natural already!!! But yep deffo a new one, Lucky Girl 😉 xxx

    Jess 1

    Haha they look ace! Minimal tan lines 😉 I bought a new size 14 bikini top thinking that would be ok and it only just covers the nips :/ uh ohh think I need to buy some more I’m going to Egypt in April so think I might be in danger of that too!! Haha girl with two backs that made me laugh!!
    Yeh it’s when I bend over to pic something up that feels like they are literally dropping off my body! So I’m keeping very still while they’re on the loose!! 🙂

    Sarah 1

    Thanks hun, just wish my left one would drop like my right one as i think they look odd at the minute xx


    Well I’m Annoyed cus I bought a size 10 sports bra and Its really baggy around the straps/upper arm bit … Prob fit in my usual biknis still me! hahah xx

    Sarah 1

    I think the sport bra’s just get baggy with constant wear to be honest hun as i found that out when i was going to the gym and thats why i bought 2 macoms, expensive but worth it and keeps them in place.
    Pinkfly7, yours look amazing and i bloody doubt them beauties will fit in a 10 xx

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