Just uploaded a before and after one. Before was the day before my op and the after was about two hours after my op.
415cc High profile Unders from a 32A/B xxxxx
Thank youuuu girlies! Feeling really good thank you expected worse than this but touch wood feeling really good
how’s everyone else?
thought I’d add more photos cause they really helped me when I didn’t know what size to choose
They look fab!! I am day 3 now and feel ok but a bit like I have a flu if that makes sense just achy and a little bit sick but have been told this is normal and the anaesthic getting out the system. Am finding sleeping sitting up ok but think a week of it is going to be hard work!!
Hope everyone else is healing well xx
Chelsey they look great, welcome to the boobie club, hope your recovery is going well xxx
Hope you don’t mind the add! Just wanted to have a look at your pics as I’m really unsure of what size to go!
Hi hunni, do you mind if i add you? i saw you were going up to a dd and that’s the size i’d like to go too but unsure thinking of going bigger x
Thanks for he add chick, they look amazing congrats on the new boobies
Hey could I add you?? Should stop looking till I at least get a date really as I’m getting a serious case of boob envy xxx
Hey Chelsey thanks for the add. You should be really happy they look soo good and very natural. Mine now look practically identical to yours before your BA so I’m really hoping that mine will look as amazing as yours. I am 6ft though so not sure how much difference height would factor on implant size xxx
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