New Pics added – Strapping off Started by: pinkfly7

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    Hey Girls

    Hope you all had a fab christmas!
    I took the remainder of my strapping off at 3am yesterday morning – (Apart from cutting around the part where the dressing is) Literally havent slept more than an hour at a time stince day 1.
    The relief and difference already has been phenomenal!…

    Still really sore and my boobs are rock hard unless i am sat down relaxing – Next step is being petrified of whats underneath the dressing xx


    Hi how far po are u I’m a week and 3 days are your insisions really itchy? And I’m too having trouble sleeping can’t wait until I can sleep on my side again! Congrats on the boobies xx


    Lookin gd hun xx


    Hi @Emma, Im 5 days PO.
    Yes my incisions are itchy and quite sore on the right hand side too, Quite worried they might not be healing properly but then im paranoid about everything haha.

    Thanks @chanel babes yours are looking ace too with strapping off xxx

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