new to all this!! Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty

    Hey girlie’s I’m looking for some advice/inspiration iv been thinking of getting a breast enlargement for a couple of years now and a couple of people I know have got them done. One went with mya but said they’re aftercare is awful and oncw they have your money they don’t want to know! She has tried to make appointments but not heard back. Anyway that may have just been a one off… my other friend went with transform and was very pleased. I’m a 32b going to go to a d/dd depending on what would look best as I don’t really no the sizes properly as always look at b bras!!! I have my consultation in Chelmsford Monday with shelly, exited and nervous. If anyone out there is willing to give me some advice or share their story id appreciate it. Also how the hell do I tell my parents!!!!!? LOL xxxx


    I went with mya. And very very please with every thin. To me they have been amazing. I had my op on sunday. I went to Highgate hospital they was all lovely. Ive had a few phone calls from the nurses at mya to see how im gettin on.x I was a veey small a xup. And ive had 380cc unders still got my strap on at the mo that xomes off money. But so far im very happy. I had dr kazzazi x


    This phone lol. Sorry some words spelt wrong.. having 380cc. Will take me to d possible dd. Witch will be perfect for my frame x


    Thanks for the reply! That’s the size im thinking of going. Hope you don’t mind the add! Hope you have a speedy recovery! I think ill be going to Highgate. Got my consultation Monday in Chelmsford xx


    Thanks chick.. no course not. X I just carnt wait to see the full result wen the straps off. Ill up loads pic wen its off xevery one experience is different wen having a consultation. When I was taking to my mum about having it done. She told me to go to a few places for a consultation. But I was so happy and comfortable with mya so I dint bother. At the end of the day chick its you having it done. So if your happy with the every thin. Eg surgeon. And at your consultation dont let other please opinions put your off. Xxxx

    Whitney 1

    Hi hun iv been pleased with mya I had my op on Wednesday and my pc and a nurse tang me yesterday to see how I’m getting on so far so good for me x

    Becky 1

    Hiya Kirsty! I haven’t even had my op yet and i am so pleased with mya. I had consultations with mya and transform, and i only went with mya because i preferred the surgeon but i am SO glad i did. Ive paid all my money already and i still get frequent phone calls to see how i am. Ive recently had some personal issues and had to move my operation and they have been so lovely, always ringing to see if I’m ok and fitting me in when is good for me. I couldn’t be happier! Just need the boobs now! haha don’t be put off by one person having a bad experience 🙂 hope your consultation goes well xx


    Thanks girls! Yh iv seen alot more good reviews than bad ones! Don’t mind if I add you? Iv just gotta get past reeling my parents! :/ want really natural ones prob a d/dd excited for my consultation. Thanks girls xxx

    Becky 1

    I had the same problem with the parents. They were fuming at first but now it’s booked their fine!! Just explain how much u want it 🙂 x

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