Newbie wanting a little advice! (Bristol) Started by: Eli Harrison

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    Hello, I’m new around here and wanting to find out a couple of things before i book my consultation, i hope this is ok.

    I live in Exeter, Devon so the closest clinic to me in Bristol. Is that where i would have both consultations or would one be there and one be in London? I assume London is the only place you can have the surgery done?

    What was your timeline from first consultation to op? how long between dates were you appointments and when did you sort out the finance side of things? I’m currently on maternity and don’t go back to work until January so i can’t afford the finance until then but i could like to have a consumption soon, do you think that is possible?

    sorry if these questions have been asked 7383828 times already, i’m scrolling through existing threads too ????
    thank you,


    Hey sweet I live in Wiltshire so I’m the Bristol clinic too and you will have both consultations there thankfully!

    With me it all happened pretty quickly I had my first consultation mid august and then had my pre op screen & met my surgeon on the 5th September and having my op Wednesday 20th. I can’t remember exactly (even though it wasn’t even a month ago ???? I was just too excited with it all) if you have to at least pay the deposit to be able to book op, it’s something like that but your PC will explain that at your first consultation.

    I also went through finance and it was so quick and easy, my pc sent me all the information the day I had my first consultation and I done it that evening but I’m sure if you tell them your situation they will explain the options.

    Also there is a big car park a few streets from the clinic near Sainsbury’s, I didn’t know this and it saved my life haha

    Good luck ????x

    Hannah 214

    @eliharrison Hey! Welcome 🙂

    Your surgery will be at the London Fitzroy and all other appointment would be at your nearest clinic, even the post op ones would be there as well. So you’d only have to travel to London the once, probably as an overnight case.

    I had my first consultation June 15th, Met my Surgeon June 28th, Booked my surgery on July 3rd (as I was sorting my finances out), My Pre op was July 14th and my op was August 25th.

    I paid my deposit when I booked my surgery date, and the remainder I paid 21 days before my op. You can have a free consultation whenever you like hun, to meet and discuss everything with a PC.


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