Newbie! What should I expect?! Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica

    Hi, I have my first consultation next week and I’m nervous/excited! I’m a 34B at the mo but used to be a 36D but lost quite a bit of weight so my boobs now just look saggy, deflated and lots of excess skin to pinch! I’m 5ft5, 9 stone 12lbs…anyone a similar size and what kind of size implant should I look to? I’m thinking I want to be DD I’m just a bit clueless until my consultation! X


    Im about the same stats as you hun (was never a D cup before tho)
    Have a look in their book of clients to see what size you like, google implant sizes & it helps to add girls on here to see results
    The more you research the more you’ll change your mind Lol!
    Good luck Xxx


    I’m quite confused atm between all this 665cc and 445cc etc and there’s all different types of implants but I’m going to wait until my consultation to get all the info and just do what research I can! I don’t want to over-research and expect too much or too little! Thank you for your help! Xx


    You will be fine. When I had mine I didnt have a clue about CC’s so said I was happy with 380…5 minutes later seeing my PC & trying on sizers I chose 415, now one week on of seeing results on here I want atleast 450 haha. It deffo helps.
    Better to be too big than too small Xxxx


    Hi Jessica,
    I’m size 10 but quite broad and was a 34 small B pre-op! I had 415 natrelle round overs! I was advised to have rounds to ensure I didn’t have a gap where my cleavage should be! I told my surgeon that I wanted to be around a DD, and I think that’s what I’ll end up being… maybe an E (I sneakily tried on a DD non-wired bra the other day and it was a little….. tight to say the least!) – I’m 5 weeks post op now! I was offered 385/415/450 – opted for the 415 as I didn’t want to look too top heavy and… I was always really worried about rippling (as I had overs), so thought the 415s would be best for me :). I am absolutely chuffed to bits with the results!
    Where are you planning on having your op? Which MYA clinic are you going to? xx

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