Newcastle Clinic – help please! Started by: Kate

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  • Kate 18

    Hi girls,
    I’ve been trying to contact the Newcastle Clinic all morning.. I’d really like to speak to the nurse, I’m 6 weeks PO today and yesterday started to get some real pains in my left boob which I’ve never felt before. Just a little worried and would really like to speak to someone to put my mind at rest!
    Has anyone else had trouble contacting them? I think I have my 6 week check with the nurse today too, but I’m not 100% sure so would like to speak to them to double check.
    I’ve left a voicemail but no reply yet – really don’t want to ring the emergency number but I’m panicking more when there’s no answer!
    I’ve never had trouble not being able to contact them before, they’ve always been really quick to call back etc so wondering if anyone knows if there’s a problem? Thanks in advance! xx

    myamoderator 138

    The clinic is open at 11.30 today,

    Love MYA Mod

    Kate 18

    Ah that’s brilliant thanks so much 🙂 xx

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