Nicotine test Started by: Chantel

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  • Chantel 9

    Did anyone have to have one of these before surgery, and how long does nicotine last in the body, the nurse said I can’t have any nicotine not even a vapour 2 weeks befriend surgery and I think that sounds really excessive and she said if it’s positive I can’t have the op ?

    Chelsea 8

    I only stopped smoking a few das before the op and a few days after and just cut down the amount I was smoking the rest of the time. I didn’t have a nicotine test, I’ve never heard of that either.. I also told the nurse on the day I had been smoking like 2-3 a day. Obviously I don’t recommend you do actually smoke haha! I had mine done in the London one if that helps xx

    Chantel 9

    Thanks for that info Chelsea I just don’t get why my surgeon is so strict and tests for nicotine but everyone I know who smokes didn’t give up and defo didn’t have a nicotine test. I feel like I have no choice but to go cold turkey otherwise she said I can’t have it done, I’m anxious enough about the op and now this is making me more stressed lol x

    Abbie 43

    Hi Ladies,
    I have always been a social smoker. My nurse told me at my pre op to not smoke for 2 weeks before surgery and I didn’t think twice about taking her advise, after all she is a nurse!
    I was excited about my op but also very anxious and frightened. I was so nervous about having a general anesethic that there is no way that I would have gone against any advise I was given by the nurse or surgeon.
    There are 100’s of reason that smoking is bad for you im sure you don’t need lecturing but when it comes to surgery its not just your nurse being a dragon Nicotine in cigarette smoke increase your heart rate and blood pressure, making your heart work harder so that it needs more oxygen. Many doctors recommend that you stop smoking 8 weeks before surgery and if you smoke you will have much higher risks for serious complications during and after surgery.
    •starve your heart of oxygen
    •form blood clots in your veins
    •find it harder to breathe during and after surgery
    •increase you risk of infection
    •impair the healing of bones, skin and wounds
    •change the breakdown of certain drugs in your body
    I’ve seen loads of post on here from girls asking about smoking but surely you can stop for the sake of getting your new perfect boobies? If something did go wrong, you got an infection or maybe your incisions took way longer than expected to heal im sure you wouldn’t be happy x

    Chantel 9

    I know I d

    Chantel 9

    Sorry didn’t mean to send, I know I don’t even smoke slot maybe 4 a day. I am giving up, I’ve done it before but had to do it slowly like have 1 a day. Wish me luck ? I’m going to be a grumpy sod x

    Abbie 43

    Good Luck! It will be worth it when you’ve got your new boobies 🙂 xx

    Kirsty 49

    I know of a girl that did have her op cancelled there and then because she had a nicotine test before her op, it’s not worth the risks! You’ll be glad once you have your boobies 😀 X

    Chantel 9

    Oh no Kirsty really, did she lose all her money, I’m day 2 of not smoking now, it’s not as bad as I thought x


    Hi Chantel! Did you g et a nicotine test? I have Kazzizi on Friday x

    Chantel 9

    Hi Rebecca, no I didn’t x


    Thank you 🙂 your pics look fab x

    Chantel 9

    Awww thanks Rebecca, dr kazzazi is so good, good luck with your op, looking forward to seeing your boobs lol ?X


    Haha oh me too!! thank you xx


    Hi girls I’ve got my operation tomorrow and my surgeon has said she’s happy for me not to quit smoking altogether as I only smoke 3/4 a day it hasn’t stopped me worrying that they’ll cancel my surgery tho I’m a mess ???? Has any1 had their operation cancelled or date changed for this reason at the Fitzroy as I’m really worried

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Claire.

    I was at Fitzroy & they told me to quit (I didn’t, but cut back) & never said anything about a nicotine test

    Only test on the day was a pregnancy test

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