Nipple feeling Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty 14

    Heya girls, so i am now 4wpo and have no feeling in my nipples yet. Any idea how long it takes for feelingto come back? Or if it does at all? Thank you =) x x

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m 19 weeks post op nearly and I’m only just starting to get the feeling back but not fully yet it can take up to a year to get th full feeling back in your boobs takes time for all the nerves to knit back together and start working properly again xxxx


    my nurse said it can take up to a year for your feeling to return xxx

    Jackie 144

    4 weeks is way too early I’d say xx I’m nearly 9 months post op xx and only just starting to feel them very slightly I make my hubby tickle my boobs to see if I can feel them x sometime I can sometimes I can’t x I’m still getting tingly electric shock type feeling through the boob where the nerves are still mending x don’t worry it can take a while sometimes not at all but at least we’ve got fabulous boobs 🙂 x

    Hannah 214

    Mine are like jackies, sometimes I can feel them and sometimes I can’t, it’s the weirdest thing! I’m only 2MPO so I guess still some time to wait 🙂 I hope they go back to normal tho lol xx

    Jackie 144

    Me too @hannahlaura mine were quite sensitive before the op x but I’m happy with how they look so it’s no biggie if I don’t get full feeling back but would be nice 😉

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