Nipple piercing!!! Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    Hi girlsss, has anyone got there nipples pierced and got a BA what is the procedure, I know you have to take them out during the surgery but is there any possibility of just changing the bars to plastic ones? If not can you put them back in straight after the surgery? I don’t want them to heel up! Thanks x

    Katie 111

    @lucy It’s fine to change them to plastic ones, it’s just metal your not allowed hun xx

    Lucy 1

    Aww thank you Hun! Is it the same with all piercings aslong as I change the bars to plastic ones? X

    Katie 111

    @Lucy that’s right any piercings are fine as long as you change them to plastic. I have very intimate one *blushes* that I’m going to have to change to plastic, or should I say get the piercing person to change! xx

    Jackie 144

    I was told I had to take them
    Out completely and mine totally healed up 🙁
    If I’d of known I’d of put plastic ones in x
    Hopefully having them re pierced soon I’m over 6months post op now and was told by the nurse I had to wait 6 months before getting the rest done as it may cause infection x

    Rhian 19

    I’ve been told ears and things are fine to change to plastic (including the intimate ones) but that my nipple piercing and my cleavage dermal had to come out xx

    Amanda 12

    I took all of mine out. I had nipples and intimate too. I popped them all straight back in after my op bar my nipples. I left those till I seen the nurse at 1 week and she said they could go back in then. I did keep popping them through so they didn’t close up xx

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