Nipple piercing Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    So my op is 3rd novemeber and I’m just wondering what to do about my nipple piercing. I’d like to put it back in after surgery but does anyone know if I can put it in soon as I get home from my op or do I have to wait a few days? If I leave it out for more than a few hours I imagine it’s going to heel up and don’t think I could go through the pain of having it done again even though I love it! Any tips advice please x


    I’m having mine done the 17th nov and iv just took mine out, I thought about leaving it till last min and trying to put it bac through but it would prob be to sore afterwards and with the strapping on aswell plus don’t want to run any risks of infection lol. Kinda missing it already tho x

    Jodie 1

    I took mine out the day of my op , tried to put it back In the day after but my nipples was swollen and hurt from the op , so decided to leave it till my 7 day check and yep it had healed up 🙁 so going to have it re done sat xx


    Is it not possible to put a plastic one in for the op ??I hadn’t even thought to ask about that yet.. I really don’t want to take mine out 🙁 I’d miss it too lol. X


    I kept both of mine in during the op with plastic bars 🙂 they are a bit sore now though because my boobs are swollen the bars are really digging in and have like engraved in my boobs! Xx


    I’ve not had my op yet but during my consultation Mr Mounir advised removing in 2 weeks before. Would prefer to put a plastic bar through it but oh well!! X


    I took mine out right before the op and put them in right after and I’ve had no problems and my surgeon said this was okay to do

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