Nipple piercings Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies !
    My opp on the 18th and i know i will have to take my nipple piercings out. However my first one that i had literally closed up within 30 minutes of not having it in ! so i think when i take them out for surgery that theg will close up.
    Does anyone know how soon after the BA that i can go and get my nipples re-pierced, or if they haven’t closed up put the piercing back in ?

    Sonia 20

    I’ve had my nipple piercing out for about a year and can still put it back in when I’m in the shower! It might feel closed but it’s not sealed closed if that makes sense. Reckon you’ll be fine! x

    Samantha 89

    I went to put mine back in 1 week PO after my strapping came off but it wouldnt go back in!! X


    Oh ! I hope thats the case for me too sonia fingers crossed xx


    Thats what i thinks gonna happen to me samantha! i had one fall out in the shower and i went to put it back in and it totally just closed up ! are you gonna get yours repierced soon or just gonna leave it till your fully settled ? x

    Samantha 89

    I did try to force it back in but i thought i better not incase a create an infection lol! I think ill wait until they’re fully settled! My peircings never close up so annoying!!! Xxx

    Jade 8

    I’ve just had my op today and my surgeon (dr giannitrapani) was happy for me to wear plastic nipple bars. Might be worth asking if you haven’t already; I just had to sign a disclaimer saying I understood they advise against it. As I had a minor op a few months ago and I had to re-pierce the one nipple when I came out of theatre. X

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