nipple re positioning????? Started by: Ruth

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  • Ruth

    Just wondering if anyones had this done? how the scars look and what the results are likely to be ??? anyone who can help with this ? is it even a thing that can be done? xx


    Nipple re positioning is basically an uplift I think, I’m having a nipple uplift on 23rd August, I’m also having mine re sized as I’m asymmetrical they are different sizes! Your best bet would be to see a surgeon and see what they advice is best for your breasts! Scars wise all I’m going to have is two scars around each nipples as I’m having the implants put through my nipple to avoid further scarring!:) hope this helps!:D xxx


    well i am seeing a surgeon tomorrow so see what he says 🙂 i would really love to have the implants through my nipple too and have them re sized but just have to see what he says tomorrow xxx what actually happens at the consultation with surgeon? dunno what to expect 🙂

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