Nipples Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 4

    Hey! I’m 2 weeks post op tomorrow and feel great apart from my nipples feel sore and chapped. I just wondered if anyone else has this and what (if anything) they used on them?

    I’m obviously still in my Macom and Sports Bras so think the tightness of these on them is rubbing them.

    Thanks xxx

    Lucy 24

    @laurastock I had this! I used Vaseline! It’s a bit like joggers nipple! Pop Vaseline on them few times a day it should help stop the rubbing! Xx

    Laura 4

    @lrich thank you! I’ll give it a go xx

    Ellie 279

    Hey Laura I see you say you feel great at 2 weeks post op and you and unders. Just wondering what kind of things your able to do at 2 weeks post op? I’m really struggling and had mine on Saturday x


    Hey I had unders yesterday and going back to work as a personal trainer in a gym after 2 weeks. I’ll be teaching classes but I won’t join in but Its still a very active job even if I try not to exercise. I’m hoping I’ll be OK going back then x

    Laura 4

    @ellie2015 hey! I’m basically back to doing everything – I’m just cautious when lifting things. I went back to work 5 days post op but I was really really luck with my pain. I only took 5 paracetamols after my op and didn’t need any other pain relief. Literally all that hurt a little was the steristrips pulling and now this irritation. Xxx

    I would say if your recovery is anything like mine you will be fine. I asked the nurse if I could start doing leg exercises and she said its fine as long as I listen to my body Xxx

    Ellie 279

    Omg you really are so lucky! I never imagined the recovery to be this bad I’m so frustrated! I get so out of breath from walking for 2 minutes and that’s taking small steps I hope I’m ok! I’m glad you’ve had an easy n speedy recovery Hun xx

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