Nipples Started by: Bee

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  • Bee 42

    Hi girls! I’m having my op in two weeks, and I’m so nervous about my nipples not being as small as I’d like them to be post-op. In some photos, I’ve seen nipples seem that look larger after surgery? do they go down once the swelling subsides, or is it due to the implant stretching the nipple? xx

    Leila 62

    Hi Beck’s. I’m almost two weeks post op so it could be swelling but my nipples are definitely larger, I had really small nipples to start with so I don’t mind. Its not a crazy difference and could be to the swelling but I do believe they are being stretched due to the implant x


    Hi Becks, I had big nipples to begin with (which I am not crazy about). They are stretched out a bit more now that I have implants but they are more proportional to the size of my boobs now- if that makes sense?

    Bee 42

    Hi Both.
    Your messages completely make sense, and that’s great if they look in proportion to the size of the breast etc! I guess I just hope that mine look smaller afterward rather than larger, only as I am having the uplift to hopefully decrease the size of the areola, and I am having a rather small implant (300cc). Perhaps they won’t stretch too much? I will chat to my surgeon about it perhaps. Thanks so much, that is so helpful x

    Leila 62

    I also agree with what brigitte said about them being more proportional. I reckon if you’re having an uplift then they might not stretch too much if you already have enough skin. I was really flat chested so the implant had to do a lot of stretching x

    Natilly 37

    Mine were a little stretched when they were swollen, but they’re back to normal now and actually look more symmetrical than before! 😂

    Bee 42

    Thank you All. Fingers crossed. I will report back in a couple of weeks x

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