No implants lift and reduction Started by: Tanya

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  • Tanya 3

    Hi ladies
    I wanted to post here because I didn’t find much for non implant stories and also wanted to share my photos as I have pretty saggy breasts and didn’t see many boobs like mine so sharing info that’s hopefully helpful to someone out there!!
    First off I’ve wanted a lift since my breasts grew- never had kids but always super saggy… So was over the moon when I could book in…. But then it all because so real and I got so so scared! Basically never had GA before and really worked myself up about it (had all the thoughts like what if I don’t wake up etc) and basically was so nervous. All the staff at hospital were so kind and really did put my mind at ease- all I can say is if your are nervous like I was don’t keep it to yourself and just tell people and ask questions . So my breasts had to be reduced in order to achieve a good lasting lift- I really wanted to keep the size as I know I never want to deal with implants – but my surgeon really advised a minor reduction so I put trust in the expert. They are a bit smaller but still look a good size. I’m happy to say I am one day post op now! So will post my before and afters here so anyone wants to keep track or ask questions you can.
    I am back at home – went to Harley Health Village in London- and I feel pretty good after GA. I didn’t have much nausea and could eat solid food not long after – though my friends say that’s not as common – so I’m lucky I guess ! My throat is a bit sore from the tube the put to help you breathe ( argh lol) but not huge pain from breasts either. Taking painkillers until tomrmrow and then will see if I need them , as have left gaps in hours and didn’t feel much pain tbh. But I am VERY bloated. That’s uncomfortable…. Photos are before and the one day post op. I will upload more at my 2 week and 6 week check in. If anyone has any questions please feel free to get in touch. Won’t know I finally feel about the turn out for a while but so far so good. Xx

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Tanya 3. Reason: Misspelled
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    Tanya 3

    This is a better photo post op

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    Tanya 3

    This is one week post op – also I don’t know why all my pix are uploading upside down 🤔

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    Tinuka 1

    They look amazing! I’m due for surgery on Tuesday, I’m so worried I’m going to regret it as I keep having horrific nightmares. Can I ask what size they have said you will roughly be and who your surgeon was ? x



    They look amazing!! What surgeon did you go with please? X

    Tanya 3

    My surgeo Lon was Dr Giannis
    I was probably about a DD/E before and I’m now a D – I asked for a very conservative reduction – they don’t actually tell you in sizes but in mass or weight … so it’s hard to say! If it’s a reduction then they will take what needs to be taken out to achieve best lasting results is the answer ! I was terrified they would be too small after but in the end I rather better shape and lift than size.

    Good luck! I’m sure it will all be amazing

    Tanya 3

    I chose Dr Giannis as found him very forth right , patient ( as i was very nervous ) and he has really good stiching etc

    Would highly recommend him


    Thank you so much for sharing I’m booked in at the beginning of February and have been nervously I’d regret it but your post has got me excited xxx

    Tanya 3

    I’m glad! You’ll be fine and SO happy when you’re done it’s life changing in the best way x


    Aww thank you for replying I can’t wait now xxx

    JULIE 2

    Thank you very much for this post I’ve been searching online for breast reduction no implant for a long time, they limited information online


    Omg they look amazing. The first remind me of mine. I have a breast reduction in august with Mr Giannis and now I have seen pictures of his work it does make me feel better.

    Amanda 2

    Oh wow they look fantastic!! If mine look anything like that I’ll be ecstatic!!
    I’m booked in for 16th Sept and getting a bit nervous now – mostly worried about it going wrong and having to have corrective surgery later down the line. Also because I don’t live close to London so it’s not easy for me to get there etc.

    Have you managed the pain etc ok?

    I’m an F and having reduction and uplift xx

    Tanya 3

    I know everyone’s journey is different but I had almost zero pain. I didn’t even use my painkiller they gave me after day / as I just felt I didn’t need them. You’ll be fine! Just do what they say – take care of yourself in the run up and just prepare for when you’re home- get your pillows and keep drinking lotsa water and eat lotsa protien – it helps with healing xx

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