No Sleep ! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Last night was the first time I couldn’t sleep at all. It felt like all my nerve endings were on fire, that feeling you get when you catch a chill and your nipples go hard, then you flex and get a shiver down your spine. But this was constant all night long, does anyone else have this ? Tried many things to stop it, pain killers as was quite painful, relaxing having a cup of tea, massaging them etc. I’m absolutely shattered and just want to get some sleep ! Xx

    Karolina 42

    @hannah1982 I only got it when i went outside first few days, now it doesn’t happen at all. Give it some time hun, hope you got some sleep at the end xxx


    Thank you Karolina, don’t you hate all this patience though lol, usually I’m terrible but you very right. My mum said at least the nerves are working and maybe reconnecting causing the over stimulation. Very strange feeling though, can’t wait til tomorrow, how long was your post-op babe ? And was it just strapping ? Thanks xx

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