no surgical lipo Started by: kathryn

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  • kathryn 1

    Hi, has anyone had any of the methods of non invasive lipo, e.g. laser liposis, or cryo fat reduction, just wondering if they actually work before I spend all that money x


    Hi Kathryn, I’m 3 weeks post Vaser lipo with Grant Hamlet. Not sure of the difference with liposis, but am super impressed with how clean and tidy he worked. I had 7 tiny incisions, 5 in front and 2 back, and already they are disappearing. My results are incredible already, even with some remaining swelling. The recovery is tough though, more so than they tell you. But I still feel it’s absolutely worth it. Feel free to have a look at my before and after pics, I’ve added you. Happy to chat more. Xxx


    Oh just realised we’ve already connected! Duh. Short term memory failure! Xxx

    kathryn 1

    ye I’ve looked into vaser, i’d prefer to have a non surgical method if I can though, things like laser liposis and cryo are were pads are placed on your body and lasers or special freezing equipment etc.. are used to break up and kill fat cells, you need to have about 6 sessions over 3 months but theres no recovery time or surgery, just a bit off swelling for a day. Just wondering if anyone has had it and how good the results are compared to vaser or actual lipo x


    I had laser lypolosis and was quite surprised at the results I lost 3 inches of my hips and 2 off my waist, unfortunately it didn’t stay off but I think that’s just cos I haven’t kept up the died and exercise :-/

    kathryn 1

    @Kirsty Robson i’m glad to hear other people have heard about it as well, i’m a bit sceptical about it, did you have the six sessions?, and was it painful at all? x


    Yeah I had the six 30 min sessions I didn’t feel a thing the pads just get warm, I wasn’t sure it was gonna do anything but my hubby got me a living social deal so thought it was worth a try x

    kathryn 1

    Thanks hun, theres been a few deals on groupon so i’d really like to try it, 3 inches could make quite a difference. can i ask how long did the weight stay off x


    I’m not too sure but if I’d have kept up my exercise regime I’m sure it would have stayed off and I haven’t put it all back in I still feel slimmer in the areas I had it x

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