Normal Bruising? 1 week post op Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 4

    Hey everyone,
    I had partials a week ago and expected a bit of bruising and swelling, but one has bruised quite badly while the others fine. Also I’ve looked at so many post op pics and never seen any with bruising quite like this so I’m getting worried it’s not normal.

    It’s not any more swollen than the other side and isn’t particularly sensitive so hopefully I can rule out a hematoma but I just wondered if anyone else had similar? Attaching a photo that hopefully works!

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    Claire 4

    Should also add I do bruise quite easily (still have a pin prick bruise from my cannula) and obv haven’t seen my incisions area yet so for all I know I’m bruised under there too! But just seems so random

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Claire 4.

    looks okay to me, my chest was honestly black and blue and yellow after mine were done I was like this cant be normal? finally went after a month x


    5 days after x

    Claire 4

    Ahh thank you Isabelle, it does look similar to your pics! It completely makes sense youd be bruised after surgery but when everyone else’s look so nice it made me question whether it was okay 🙈


    completely normal,, dont worry too much. I was surprised it was so bruised for a while but it went away x

    Nikki louise -138

    I had no bruising but you should ask if your worried though hun you no ur body best x

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