Nose reshaping Started by: Amy Simmons

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    I’m looking to get my nose done, has anybody had theirs done with Stefan Gonschior? If anyone has any advice about the procedures or post-op info please get in touch! I’ve had an initial consultation but I’m sure there’s plenty of things I haven’t thought of to ask…



    I had Dr G – he pretty much talks you through everything you need to know…
    open surgery for those who need more bridge and tip work done
    closed surgery for those who need bridge work and slight tip work
    Post op seems uncomfy for around a month but you soon forget about it! Such as sleeping up for a week or two, and the blocked nose, and having to completely avoid knocking it and getting dressed/undressed carefully not to catch your nose 😛 so many petty things that I could think of!
    But at the end of the day, it changes most peoples lives for the better!


    Hey – I had Dr G just over a month ago – feel free to add for info and pics x

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