Not a freak show! Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 1

    I really don’t mean to offend anyone but I’m not accepting any more people at the moment.

    The reason….I am not a freak show and that’s how this forum has now made me feel.
    I have used the forum for support and help and from lots of people I have got that….but when I posted about my rippling and how devastated I was about it I got in the region of 40 friend requests and not one person messaged me a polite curtesy to ask if it was ok. Lots of seasoned girls on here have a message next to their names asking for messages before adding. It’s blatantly obvious to see when you add

    I had the operation done to boost my confidence but it has really upset me how people just seem to want to look at your misery…well that’s how it feels.
    When things don’t go quite to plan it is really hard to deal with, and I know several girls on her feel the same…
    I understand pre op people want to know what happens and what could happens but please bear in mind we are real people with real feelings!


    Hope your ok hun x

    Nicole 1

    Yeah thanks just wasn’t making me feel very good about myself!


    Dont worry Nicole x…. I thinks ppl just wanted to know what you were talking about everyone seems to be very supportive on here. Sorry you haven’t got what you were looking for. Do you think the rippling is due to implant choice, or skin texture?…. If you don’t wana talk about it anymore that’s fine xx


    I agree with you Nicole. This forum is amazing it helped me through the whole process but if people only add you to see pictures rather than talking to you or asking questions I don’t like to accept! I started a thread last night because one boob has dropped again and I got a lot of requests just to see! I also know how you feel about rippling I am 4 weeks PO and last night could see it when changing my sports bra. I won’t be uploading any pics but I do hope it doesn’t get any worse or more visible. Sorry you haven’t been having a very good time of it but I do think yours look amazing! Xx


    Chin up Hun, you’re not a freak bless you, ino you are having slight problems with them but they still look amazing x


    I hope it sorts itself out hun, mr traynor made sure to make me aware of the chances as I had overs and was quite small to beging with, he said the only way really to stop it was to eat more :/ which isn’t brilliant, but I’m sure your surgeon will do everything they can to improve it as they’ll want amazing results, have you spoken to your surgeon about it yet and whether it’ll go on its own? Xx


    Hi. I’m sorry that I’m one of those that has asked you if I could add you. I’m really sorry if this upset you, I just didn’t think.
    I keep hearing people mention rippling and I wanted to see what it is as I’m getting mine done soon and wanted to see what It looks like incase it happens to me. I’m sorry for being insensitive, and hope you are ok!
    Big hugs and thanks for accepting me xxxx


    Hope you are ok, I think it’s easy to add without thinking of how your making someone feel.
    I do find this forum is helpful but at the same I time I find a lot of people bounce of each other’s negativity and make each other worry.
    Hope ur ok xx


    I think other girls just add to get an insight on how different ladies breast turn out..don’t think it is meant to look at you as a freak show! I also think a lot of girls me myself feel we are all ladies on here because we are interested in or have had a ba and people are very open to upload pictures so forget to message asking if ok..don’t think it is meant to offend xx


    I do agree though if you was adding just to look at someone just because they have stated a problem then you should give them some support or reasoning to why you have added


    I had rippling with my last set due to weight loss so can relate hun, inbox me if you need chat,vent or anything…..nina x


    Sending you a virtual **hug** Nicole. Hope you manage to work it out with your surgeon xx


    Big hugs xxx hope your ok x

    Nicole 1

    Aaah thanks girls…it’s just when someone just adds without the courtesy of a message especially when it’s about something that is bothering you it’s just feels uncomfortable. Also even if nothing is wrong they are very personal photos so it’s just polite to ask…
    I took the smaller implant paid for the most expensive less rippling chance one etc was told my skin was fine and I would be safe with that implant with partials….it’s not too bad at the moment I can live with it…it’s just because it’s happened so soon I’m scared it will get a lot worse..

    And thanks for all the nice responses on here!


    Hi nicole hun, I hope you are feeling ok. I’m new on here joined about 5mins ago lol so still need to upload some pics etc. But I came across this post and just wanted to respond to it. I had implants just over a year ago now, started to get some rippling around the cleavage area and could really feel the implants at the bottom a couple of months after. I have to say I did panic a bit at first, but it has got much better for me over time. I can still feel the implants but can’t see any ripples anymore, so hopefully it will get better for you too, they may need more time to settle. Big hugs xx

    Suzanne 4

    If someone sends an add without a message to me I hit reject – think it’s damn rude! X


    Aaww Nicole, you’re definitely not a freak show hun. You look amazing !! Big hugs xx

    Jay Roe

    I think im probs one of these girls too! that’s tried adding you. not for one minute did I think (freak show) I just think that we are all in the same boat at the end of the day, it could happen to any of us (sorry that it has you) but we are all here for support and advice (of which I cannot give just yet at surgery Is still a few weeks now) sorry that you feel like you do x


    Awww Nicole, everyone want a sneaky peek at your boobies! It looks like you’ve been an inspiration and given lots of advice, and people like yourself have been invaluable to girls on here! X big hugs xxx


    I know how you feel nicola I’m stopping adding people, I must have added :0 people since my ba 3 weeks ago, and not one said anything about how my breasts look, not even a question on anything to do with the whole procedure. So I’m no longer acsepting people either. But I can assure u, u are not a freck show, I hope u get chance to speck with your dr and everything is crossed for you to get things sorted xxx I don’t know what rippling is, so I don’t know what I’m looking for. Xx


    30 people x


    Aw I hope your ok Nicole.
    Try not to let anyone get you down. To lots of ppl you would’ve been a great help and to those who were disrespectful, they should be ashamed of themselves.
    Luckily I belief that most of girlies on here are really nice and supportive and helpful so I hope u don’t loose too much faith. Xx

    CRx -1

    i don’t know if i added you when you posted that or before, as i’m forever adding people on here out of curiosity, but if i did it would have been cause i’m curious as to what it was not as anything other than that (and what to expect if i ever got it) and would never think freak show, we are all at risk of getting it so no-one can think anything! not had op yet, and only heard of it on here and once (in not much detail) of surgeon… I do hope it all gets sorted for you x

    Nicole 1

    Naomi…I really hope so…like I said it’s not too bad at all it’s just the fear it could get worse and especially if you google rippling some if the pics are horrific on there!
    Susan…totally agree…can’t get round how many people miss the message where you hit add!
    Natasha rippling is where you can feel basically ripples under the skin very pronounced and the edge of the implant. It is visible when u l lean forward…but not too obvious on the pics. Google it….but it’s ok and liveable at the moment.
    When you have your ba lots add you but when you mention something bad all of a sudden there is 40 requests, no messages and while we all want to know what could happen etc…it’s makes you feel like people are just gawping at your misery.
    Alice think you are right and prob most are…it’s just some don’t think about people’s feelings and we are all prob guilty of being nosy me included but I just wanted to highlight it so people just spare a thought first..I know Nikki also had this and another girl I spoke too was really upset by it.
    Thanks Crx… I do agree there is prob no malicious intent for 99.9999 % of people but just wanted to highlight to people.


    Casey 1


    Im new here and can imagine how p’d off you are. Just wanted to send a message of support and to thank you for sharing. I have yet to have my BA but always helps to hear about the good as well as the bad. I hope it corrects itself and that you realise you are just as wonderful with big, small, real or fake breasts. Sometimes we all forget our blessings when counting our worries (not that you have done this) but sometimes a gentle reminder can help us to be more positive when we look at the big scheme of things. Please dont think im being patronising……..just trying to be optimistic and supportive. Good luck gorgeous xxx

    Nicole 1

    Absolutely Casey u are of course dead right!


    Aww Nicole, I’m sorry to hear about your rippling. People should be more personal at least and send a message asking for an add… But there are tonnes of images across the internet of rippling, and there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent it and every BA has a risk of rippling, so why obsess about it if it hasn’t happened? The point of the forum is to support each other, not to treat each other like a catalogue of boobs. x


    Chin up babe we’re all doing this to feel more confident & comfortable as woman and you look amazing and have helped alot of girls on this forum!!!


    kimbo 1

    Nicole. sorry you are feeling like you do and down about it. when i had my first op (14 years ago) i got rippling and then it went, without gaining any weight. chin up hun and bide your time. i know its hard but you look amazing. xx

    Nicole 1

    Fingers crossed Kimbo.

    Well if nothing else I just hope this thread makes people think about the people behind the boobs… And to quote deb119c not a catalogue of boobs!

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