not eating before op Started by: jade

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  • jade

    So I’m booked for my na 22nd Nov and coz they were full for day cases iv got to stay over night.I’m really worried as I no your not to eat from 12am day of ur op and my pc has sed il get around a 10am admission time.thats a long time not to eat.I could not go down forop til 1 ish and I wouldn’t have ate…..I get travel sick and wil b going on a 5 hour long coach ride the day of op…is there Dominican eat even a mint to settle and line my stomach??il check with nurse would just like bait of advice plz xxx


    Your not allowed to eat 6 hours before op my admission was at 8am so all I had to do was miss brecky

    Cass xXx


    Oh why did I think it’s 12am ahh thats ok then il just fill up lol thank.u xcx


    in the mya guide they tell what to eat and drink you can still have some water a few hours before op


    Il have a look thnx babe xxx

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