NOT HAPPY Started by: jennifer ward

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    5 month post op,
    I have stretch marks all over my boobs they look terrible, got told they would fade or go away, but no sign of that at al. Cant wait low cut tops, bikinis, can even see them when wearing a bra. I also asked for a double D and I now have and F. Anyone else having problems with stretch marks???


    Sorry to hear your not happy hun, were did you go and what surgeon did you have?? xx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Jennifer,

    We’re so sorry to hear you’re not happy.

    Did you have your surgery with MYA? If so, please send us your contact details and we will get you’re PC to contact you immediately.
    Love MYA Mod x


    I had size 34c and now I am 34f , I had dr Gary traynor. I have booked an appointment to see him but I have a feeling nothing will be done. I got the stretch marks about 3 weeks after surgery I was shocked but got told they would go. These now do not look like they are going to go. I am more angry that I was suppose to get 420 implants but on my records I actually have 520!!! so sad feel depressed x


    So sorry you’re not happy, im due for 560/615’s on the 27th and i’m a little worried about stretch marks, I hope they fade for you, ive heard shea butter and bio oil help xxx


    I’ve used everything I can for four and a half month! Nothing yet…. Good luck for your opp x


    OMG hun, they gave you the wrong size implants?! That’s terrible! Hopefully they will fade with time, keep going with the bio oil. My best mate got stretch marks on hers when we were teenagers when she first got boobs, they weren’t visible after a while, and that was with nothing like bio oil on them x x x


    Aw bless you with my 1st op i had stretch marks underneath but they have faded to the point that you cant even see them anymore, I hope yours do too! Thank u very much xx


    Im 3 weeks post op tomorrow and i have stretch marks but i expected them as your skin has been stretched so much just like when your pregnant they will fade in time and you can get proper cream designed to fade stretchmarks dont worry about them they will fade x


    Thank you everyone, In my head I feel like their not going to go, it had been 5 months now. Fingers crossed though 🙂 x

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