Not happy… What do you think? Started by: Nared

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  • Nared 5

    Hi ladies,
    I’m 8 weeks post op and I have my check up on Wednesday. I’m convinced that the implant size that was used (330cc UHP) wasn’t wide enough and that the gap just looks weird.
    My surgeon said I wouldn’t have a gap, yet I do.
    Am I overreacting? Just wanted other people’s opinions before I see him on Wednesday.
    Thankyou xx

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    Hannah 7

    Hey Nared

    I personally think they look great and really full for your body 🙂 I naturally have a wide gap with mine so I couldn’t really comment on the gap but I don’t think it looks bad at all

    All depends on how you feel really but defs worth a chat with your surgeon and you could always ask to see another surgeon for a second opinion 🙂




    I actually think they look lovely, I’d be really happy to get results like that…but if you’re not happy, I agree with Hannah. Mention it to your surgeon & even ask for a second opinion. 🙂

    Harriet 88

    Hey Nared,

    I actually think they look really good and really proportionate to your body. I think the gap looks natural and doesn’t look bad at all. But I guess what matters is whether you’re happy x

    Nared 5

    Thankyou girls. I really appreciate your opinions. I’m so over critical of myself, but I will definitely talk to my surgeon about it. I think when you first get them you’re so happy because their so much better than what you had before, but then after time you start picking holes!! Xx

    Jess 146

    The profile makes more of a different to the gap than the size. Did you get moderate or high profile? Moderate is wider but with less projection. High and ultra high are thinner but project out more. This picture shows the different profiles. I think they look great! I actually love the gap I have between mine ? xx

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    Amy Parren 38

    I think they look great! Have you compared them to your pre op pics? My surgeon said that if I had a gap before then I would after he’s only making them bigger xx

    Bassett28 122

    They really do look great – the gap isn’t that wide and your boobs look really natural. Xx

    Nared 5

    I saw my surgeon yesterday and I feel much better after speaking with him. There’s a lot more healing to do as they are still solid at the top.
    Like they say, it’s good to talk! Thankyou for all your help xx

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