not happy with my macom :-( Started by: Sian

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  • Sian 2

    Everyone seemed to rave about the macom bra so I ordered one. Not the cheapest but the second one in the line on the website.

    Maybe its just me but it doesn’t feel supportive and I have fat spilling out at the top near the underside of my arms. I don’t get this when I wear a normal bra or a different sports bra.

    i’m not having implants, just a lift and the website said it was suitable for that. My boobs look saggy and flat in it. I have another sports bra that I use for cycling and my boobs feel lifted and tight and supported. I can’t wear this one though as I have to lift my arms and put it on over my head

    Has anyone else not felt comfortable with it or is it just me?

    I ordered my back size of 34. The cup fits me but I feel unhappy.



    I hated my Macom hated the fit & feel so sent it back straight away! I now have a sports bra from ASDA & I love it Xxx


    I second that. Made under my arms sore aswel. Ive put a asda one on to nite. Feel much more comfortable x


    I oreded my back size as thats what they go by. Just felt to tight x

    Sian 2

    Mine fits me fine. Its not to loose or tight its just…. well….. horrible. Lol.
    I put it on to show my hubby and even he wasn’t impressed. It just flattens me coz it has no support and where my armpits are, well, god knows what’s going on there. Boobie/fat spillage is not nice! You are supposed to be able to wear it as a normal sports bra afterwards.. erm, no way could I wear this before, during or after !
    I was looking in the mirror for ages trying to make it look better but if afraid I’m very disappointed and its going back.

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