Not hearing back from PC Started by: Janine

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  • Janine 14

    Feeling a bit worried after not hearing back from my PC since before Xmas.
    I messaged my PC on 21st December about which surgery dates are available as I wanted to set a booking date. I understood it was Xmas and that everyone was off and waited until the New Year hoping to hear back. I didn’t so I sent another message Thursday gone asking for dates and still haven’t heard anything back.
    I loved the surgeon I saw and know PC’s don’t affect a surgeons job but it really has me worried about if I should choose MYA, as what if this happens on a regular basis?
    Since I have started looking into other companies and hoping I will get a response without having to chase again.

    Any advice would be appreciated 🙂 I hope it’s just a case of being on holiday or still catching up to christmas messages.

    Stacey 55

    Your probably better off just phoning the clinic and speaking to the receptionist. If I needed to know about my doctors letter or anything I found it easier just to email or phone the main office and not my pc. Or sometimes when people comment on here about not hearing back they hear back straight away lol. Hope you get it sorted. Xx


    I haven’t heard anything from my PC since the day I met her! She went off sick and I was being dealt with by the head Pc at fitzroy but if I need anything it’s so much easier to call the reception they are so helpful x

    Janine 14

    She was great up until after my surgeon consultation and it just concerns me with going ahead with MYA. Especially since I haven’t paid money yet I would be upset if I had and then not hearing back continued after payment. I will give it another week and see if there’s any reply 🙂

    Stacey 498

    I wouldn’t worry to much Hun and just contact the front desk we got to remember that our pc are basically just sales that have targets to hit so many sales to make i didn’t here much of my pc but it hasn’t really bothered me as much as I know there just there to sell mya to us really I knew my sugoen would do a good job and had researched mya after care and found them to have to best reviews for aftercare out there so the pc didn’t really matter to me xxx

    Janine 14

    They replied today and I got some dates 😀
    I was probably being too excited/impatient and maybe this post helped! Thanks ladies x

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